For a series of pretty random reasons, I stopped paying attention to TV in 1980 — and for a decade and a half put up with lots of angry bullsh*t about how I was elitist etc, etc. Whatever, anyway, I really only started paying attention to it again about 6 or 7 years ago, by which time it had become impossibly abstract — not really TV anymore, much as “stereos” became irrelevant for music . But in that time, I became a binge-reader: rather than a novel here or ther, I’d read everything some author ever wrote. And now that I watch “TV” again, it’s the same: I’m less interested in watching 2-hour movies than in what’s come to be called “bingeing.” (My first binge-watch: Fassbinder’s Berlin Alexanderplatz in 1983/4, watched all 16.5 hrs of it three times in a week. In the theater.) SO. So now I should watch posh, high-Kultur films I guess, but mainly I want to immerse myself in a world, however good or bad. It’s like reading Dickens: it can go on forever. So, for me, series are the thing. I just caught up with Ozark, and watched it until the end. A funny combination of stunning and hilarious. Mostly very good. Since I watch things on an iPad, I’m constantly interrupting the experience, so it just becomes a kind of background amusement that, occasionally, is absorbing. I found myself stringing out the last episode of the latest season for days because I knew how it would end. Why? Because they want another season, so they can’t kill off central characters. And indeed.