When I clicked on this I was like 😔 aw poor widdow John Wobewts aw awone 😔, but Linda Greenhouse’s analysis turns out to be fascinating. Conservatism has often been spoken of in monolithic terms, or as a set of forces coalescing and culminating in so-called movement conservatism. That framing buys into conservatism’s triumphal rhetoric, and is closely related to the US left’s descent into a certain kind of defeatism — in particular, reliance on the courts to ‘save’ us, rather than an organizational focus on taking state and fed judiciaries and executives. But post-Trump there’s a real war brewing within conservative ranks, as old-school types recognize with growing horror that the child they’ve nurtured is, by their standards, from hell. One big issue here is, as she points out, that the same approach that will empower religious zealots to impose their views on public-ish institutions like schools will also empower corporations to screw they people they’ve harmed — by saying “you’re right, what we did is terrible, here’s a buck, kid.” Spend some time with this article, it’s really important.