Seriously? I’ve spent much of my life in a state of low-level rage, but this push to reopen schools come hell or (more likely: and) high water is cranking it up closer to 11. We know that wars are often driven by economics, and in my book mobilizing children as soldiers is basically pedophilia taken to its logical limit. Feel free to quibble with that as sloppy thinking or metaphorical bombast; we can revisit whether it was in a year or so. But, for now, the urgent problem is that huge swaths of US governance have sidestepped their most basic obligations, and are now trying to redress that failure by forcing kids en masse to risk their physical and emotional health. That’s serious. Lifestyle pieces on wealthy people hiring tutors isn’t serious. But it’s what you get on the front page when a newspaper answers directly to the richest man in the world, and only indirectly — through the fog of ads, subscriptions, and clicks — to the masses of people who depend on it as a social and political corrective. 🤯