To: Nettime-l
Europanto 1.0 (1997):
Europanto 2.0 (1998):
Europanto 3.0 (2019):*catalina*twitter/
You’e yping i wong: macOS Catalina stops Twitter desktop app from accepting B, L, M, R, and T in passwords
Oher sofwae ikey hi y egession in uggy opeaing syse
Shaun Nichols 30 Oct 2019 at 21:15
Twitter says a bug in macOS 10.15.1 aka Catalina stops users of the social network’s desktop Mac app from entering certain letters in account password fields.
When attempting to type their passwords into the application to log in, some characters are ignored, specifically ‘b’, ‘l’, ‘m’, ‘r’, and ‘t’. That would make it impossible to submit passwords using those keys to sign into Twitter accounts; pass phrases can be cut’n’pasted just fine. According to Twitter in-house developer Nolan O’Brien, these particular keypresses are gobbled up by a regression associated with the operating system’s shortcut support. Normally, users can press those aforementioned keys as shortcuts within the app to perform specific actions, such as ‘t’ to open a box to compose a new tweet.
Something changed within macOS to capture those shortcut keys, rather than pass them to the password field in the user interface as expected. So, in other words, when you press a shortcut key in Twitter when entering an account password, the keypress is ignored in that context rather than handled as a legit password keypress.
Other programs may also be similarly affected.
Could be worse — say, if it became impossible to RT anything about BLM.
Cheers, [T]