To: mediafest[at]egroups[dot]com From: t byfield Subject: [mediafest] a few unstreamed thoughts Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2000 01:56:14 -0400

i’ve been looking over the archives of this [the mediafest] list and see some things that seem to be missing or misformulated.

first, there’s a tendency to assume that ‘streaming’ is, or at least is closely related to, materials that are in some sense ‘live’ — new, breaking, innovative, etc. this is a huge mistake, imo: one of the most important aspects of streaming media is archival, precisely not ‘live.’ at the moment, this isn’t so clear, in part because of the social context in which streaming is used in ‘experimental’ ways, as a theoretical-practical prosthesis by people with a broad interest in, for lack of a better term, technoculure. at present, most ‘archival’ access to streamed material takes the form of schedules (what one group is doing during X period) or portals (what Y people are doing ‘now’). over time, as more materials accumulate and present organizational problems, i think this archival aspect will become clearer. it’s clear to me only because most of the streamed material i look at is from ICANN meetings: in effect, the realfnord provides a performative library within which to examine the documents, which in contrast are mute and monologic. these were originally made available to facilitate at least a simulacrum of remote ‘participation’; but as time goes by they facilitate something quite different, namely, historical analysis. it’s worth considering this aspect of materials produced with a ‘live’ or ‘participatory’ audience in mind. if similar materials were available for N5M 1-2-3, the metaforums, beauty and the east, and so on, you’ll clearly see what i mean, i think. the result is paradoxical, at once reifying and distancing the events but also making them more immediate; but, whether one sets out to view something as ‘historical,’ somehow capital-P Past, rather than as a ‘living’ or immediate predecessor of one’s context, the fact remains that time passes and presents that predicament anyway. in essence, then, streamed media — which even to those quite familiar with them are new (hence the conf) — introduce a subtle modulation to a lived chronotope, in which efforts to bridge a spatialdivide transforms into an artifact that bridges a temporal divide.

this transformation isn’t new, in the sense that it’s only a redux of what analog recordings have done for some time, decades now. but it is new in the sense that the delivery mechanism is no longer a library but, rather, a network: as such, it is a distributed library. there are logistical concerns, sure, but in theory (fwiw), this means that any streamed document can be anywhere and go anywhere at anytime. thus, for example, i’ve begun assigning streamed video to my classes, half because of the kontent, half to tacitly demonstrate that it overcomes or circumvents the ‘scarcity of resources’ problem that’s such a logistical issue for libraries: reserved books, photocopies, spatial/temporal/material organization of texts. but this latter lesson is much more conceptual, a sort of a footnote to the kontent itself. but because streamed material tends to orbit — again, because of the social implementation — around kontent, the transition from kontent-lesson to conceptual lesson is quite easy. and it can easily be made in other ways, for example, having my students figure out a way to distribute paper documents to each other at the same time — a total mess, against which pointing out the ease with which they can all watch a streamed whatever stands in marked contrast. that contrast — between synchronous chaos and asynchronous cooperation — is what i’m pointing at as a second suggestion here. there’s lots of ‘tragedy of the commons’ blabla that applies here, but the idea should be clear enough.

to pit’s concerns about theorizing, which are at once savvy and lackluster, i guess i’d say that the theories will come, but only when material circumstances really drive them. there was a bit of this when the mega successful lingerie empire victoria’s secret webcast lots of mostly naked women strutting hither and thither. for a brief moment, the structural (in a limited way: network usage) fueled some speculation in economic terms. those speculations weren’t very interesting, i think, because they were up to their neck, almost drowning, in the compulsive-discursive need to reduce a broader understanding of anthropological-social-political speculation to ‘economics.’ but the infrastructure of the net is quickly expanding to the point where it will be able to handle streaming, and then the stronger factors bearing down on streaming as an ‘issue’ will become more visible. one of those will certainly be a central weakness of the net, the push to move servers closer to the backbone in order to speed things up, i.e., make the net more ‘transparent’ — less of the lag associated with TCP/IP networks as opposed to PSTN telephony, broadcast, and so on. the bias here is clear: co-location costs a lot of money, and consequently will tend to marginalize ‘marginal’ cultural efforts. this factor is strong enough to leave a profound mark, where almost everything but steve jobs’s lunacy and verve, has failed: the industrial design of computers. consumers get their bubbly, sleek objects, but servers become as flat as a plank so as to minimize their ‘real-estate tax,’ as though co-lo facilities were assessed like buildings were in amsterdam centuries ago: thinness prevails. this has nothing to do with streaming media, except that it has everything to do with streaming media — because those who do it for play rather than profit are relegated to the extremities of the network, and the potential of their work remains limited as a consequence. so here we find that theorizing about streaming is limited — cruel irony — by the height of your average sysop, who needs access to a server. if streaming media has a ‘live’ dimension, that’s it, in practical terms, hence in theoretical terms.

anyway, just a few thoughts. good luck, wish i was there.

cheers, t

— — - Backwarded