This. Hilarious and painful to watch how, time and again, people will post stuff like “OMG EVEN POL POT CONDEMNS TRUMP!!!” to prove how bad Trump is (or who/whatever). But the long-term effect is to launder Pol Pot into the equivalent of a talking head. The first time I saw this effect was when George magazine — how’s that for ancient history? — ran a cover story treating George Wallace as an elder statesman of race relations. Which reminds me, where was the FBI on the civil rights movement? Never mind, let’s complain that it’s become political…

Corey Robin Oct 30, 2016

The very fact of this tweet] belies its claim: anyone who would say, post-J. Edgar Hoover and post-COINTELPRO, that the FBI has a pristine reputation for being apolitical, demonstrates that no matter what the FBI does, it can count on the ahistorical credulity of our media class to burnish its reputation. Also, as Ajay Chaudhary said, “Man, I wish you kids hated the FBI this much like, you know, all the time?”