In the last ~week I’ve planted an avocado tree, a red lime tree, a flame grapefruit tree, a pomegranate tree, two lilacs, about fifty tomato plants, two crazy huge Seminole pumpkin plants, twenty or so peas and misc beans, twenty-five misc pepper plants, about a dozen watermelons plants, about ten cantaloupes, six honeydews, an herb garden, several misc squashes, about a dozen cukes, and a dozen or so butter and romaine lettuces. I also thinned out last year’s strawberries, which went wild, and laid two more strawberry beds, one of which is littered each morning with gorgeous purple flowers from some vine I moved a few years ago and now climbs fifty+ feet high on two trees. All of that was rototilled about a foot deep to clear the roots and weeds, replenished with peat moss, mushroom compost, and fertilizer, then mulched. The local mushroom grower gave me a ton of substrate, but it’ll need a year to compost, alas. I chopped down at least six trees — a camphor, two water oaks, two scraggly beautyberries, and a few indeterminate things. And cut down and ripped out several hundreds of feet of thorny vines off the lemon tree and the azaleas. Pulled out tons of spiderwort and, after a rain, way too much poison ivy. And if I had enough good space — light, good soil, and water running down the hill — I’d do it all over again; but too much of the soil is depleted or dry because of the contour of the hill.