Just a few months ago the US was run by a guy who thought big numbers made him great and bigger numbers greater still — and who would’ve delighted in murdering millions if he could’ve. That guy doesn’t represent a serious threat now, but his minions and imitators do — and their party is becoming more and more overtly fascist. I know it’s satisfying to eschew violence, but that kind of high-minded preening is like relying on fossil fuels: it only works for so long, and after that we’re all f-d. If you are absolutely sure that the US can escape the threat of rising fascism with peace, love, and understanding, fine; but if you aren’t, then you really need to take some time out to rethink where and how your nonviolent ideals fit into your political beliefs. This isn’t an abstract or theoretical question at all: fascist-enabling legislation is in full gear in the majority of US states, and it could have a decisive impact on the midterm elections in less than 18 months — including giving the GOP multiple pathways to steal its way into a majority in both houses of Congress.