To: nettime-l
[what follows is a message i sent to phil agre. — tb]
i just forwarded a message about the destruction of yet bridge — that one because it supported, among other things, network services, which it would be really sad to lose. but now, with this message, i’m beginning to see just how tragic NATO’s insistent destruction of these bridges really is. each one of these bridges has a particular history: some of them are horrible histories, to be sure, but by their very nature bridges are able to shed those histories and work their way into everyday life, in ways that are both practical and symbolic. think of the bridges of london, new york, paris, san francisco, and the huge role they play in those cities’ lives. now imagine that the golden gate and the bay bridge were half-sunk in the bay, or if manhattan was turned back into an island accessible only by boat. beyond the lasting destruction of the local economy — which, as we’re forever being told would also have ‘global’ repercussions — these cities would be pitched into overwhelming despondency: the golden gate, gone… even america in its belligerent idiocy recognized this truth in its own ass-backwards way when hollywood showed godzilla finally trapped in the cables of the brooklyn bridge: those cables were, if anything, an intuitive metaphor for the dense and complex relations that support new york and hold it together. not that the scriptwriters understood this, i’d wager — but those symbols that are most invisible are also the most powerful.
in its fanatically technocratic and ‘strategic’ way, NATO is going after precisely the same kind of targets that the warring parties in the breakup of yugoslavia went after for more symbolic reasons, which proved to be very strategic indeed. and thus we see that NATO’s destruction is first and foremost continuous with the efforts of milosevic, karadzic, tudjman, et al. — not a repudiation of their work but an elaboration of it. but where those microfascists were diabolically clever, NATO is monstrously stupid. it’s destroying ‘strategic’ targets, weak links in the FYU army’s logistical infrastructure. yeah. it’s also destroying the structures, both very real and very metaphorical, that yugoslavia (or serbia or whatever it will end up being called) will desperately need.
i only hope that the bridges built to replace them embody optimism and forgiveness rather than bitter necessity and anger. but if they do, it will be through a spontaneous eruption of the goodwill of belgrade’s and novi sad’s residents, not through any values the west has to offer. which, of course, it will do: the west specializes in wagging fingers in lieu of ponying up the resources to support the values it imposes.
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Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 20:39:33 +0300 (EEST) From: Heidi Grundmann
The following text reached me today from composer and radio-artist Ivana Stefanovic under the title “Letter from Amsterdam” A Bridge Too Far by Dragan Klaic
The Petrovaradin bridge was destroyed this morning at 5 am. My wife woke me up with the news she just heard on the BBC radio. I thought it was the newer railway/highway bridge but when I finally succeeded to phone to Novi Sad in the evening, I heard it was the old metal bridge connecting the center with Petrovaradin and the old fortress above, on the other side of Danube. Why that bridge? It was build in haste in the winter of 1944-45 by the German POWs under the supervision of the Red Army engineers and a railway line was added to renew the connection with Belgrade, 80 km south. So in my childhood, with each train passing the ramp would go down and the traffic would pile up on both sides. It wasn’t that much traffic. I remember the uneasiness I felt every time crossing the bridge even in the daytime: the wooden planks of the side board got lose and rotten and one could see the water underneath. I feared I’ll step in the void and even sink into Danube, little as I was. In the early sixties, a new bridge was built 2 km down the river and the railway track was displaced too. The old bridge got a face lift and served all these years as a busy connection, away to enter straight into the center of Novi Sad from the Srem side. In the years before I had a driver’s license I was crossing it often on foot in the sunset, going to the fortress for a stroll or to some of the inns on the Petrovaradin side with wild Gypsy music only to return in the small hours, admiring the dawn above the city. Ugly as it was, this bridge was part of my childhood and adolescence. The consequence of the bombing is that windows are broken in that part of town and there is no running water around, even the large hospital on the nearby hills of Fruska Gora, some 900 beds, is without water. This is not making the awful lot of Kosovo Albanians easier. It is not prompting the brave Novi Sad citizens to start an uprising against Milosevic. Of course not, Milosevic is stronger than ever and as popular as he was in 1988-89. Moreover, many decent Serbs will hate NATO, W. Europe, USA for the next 50 years and the self-destructive, obsessive ideology of Serbian nationalism has been fed richly by this past week’s attacks and has seen all its favorite myths reinforced with new arguments and examples. If only NATO bombed Milosevic’s fleet in the Adriatic in September 1991 when it started pounding Dubrovnik, well before Vukovar and the horrors of Bosnia &Herzegovina, the ongoing Balkan war could have been stopped at an early stage. If only a fraction of 1% of what NATO is spending in this campaign now has been spent instead to support the emerging forces of the civil society and the independent media Serbia would have a different future. A military escalation won’t halt the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo nor speed up the return of the refugees. This senseless violence should stop at once. The politicians and generals have committed great errors in judgment. They should call further bombings off and step aside for a while. How about a conference with 50 Balkan scholars from the Western and Eastern Europe getting together and using their collective knowledge to envisage some sort of future without war and terror, to restart a dialogue. The politicians can in the meantime vote budgets for the humanitarian aid much needed in the region and entrust the generals to implement it. We know how good they can be at it.
Dragan Klaic <…>