It’s interesting to listen to Larry Kramer talk about AIDS in ’82. There are striking parallels between governmental abandonment then and now with C-19, but elevated from mayoral to the federal level. But the kicker is when he talks about (and I’ve cued it up) what amount to social distancing and isolation strategies. I’ve read some technocratic wanking here and there about whether/how C-19 is/n’t ‘like’ HIV etc etc, which seems like a sophomoric version of debates about whether/how it’s ‘like’ the flu. Bleh. Much more important are the relationships between AIDS activism and where we are now. The world owes immense debts to GMHC, ACT-UP, TAG, and many other efforts for building forms of public awareness, social strategies, and institutional bridges. Cuomo’s inane mask quilt was an empty gesture in that direction, but Tony Fauci’s status says much more about that story. (Thanks to [MM] for this link. 🏆)