To: Nettime
Subject: Re:
Saskia Sassen (Thu 12/04/08 at 04:25 AM -0500):
The project i am developing now asks this about terms like “war” and “city.”
both are words deeply embedded in particular, albeit globally present, histories. Further, the current instances we have been describing here, resist the conventional meanings: so it is easy to use terms such as terrorism becasue this is a war that does not fit war as in word war 2 (though of course, there were lots of instances that fit into today’s “terrorism” bit.
Question then is whether these current situations are anomalous (which i think is the easiest way out of a problematic, and I resist going that way), or become heuristic (in the sense of producing knowledge about the terms themselves: war and city.
Ah. If there aren’t yet third, fourth, fifth etc ways to think about this than the dichotomy between anomalous and heuristic, there will be — once we build up enough experience, which we surely (and unfortunately) will.
The US context is notable in this regard, because the history of terror in this country is longer and more complex than is widely acknowledged.
Prior to the spectacular Oklahoma City bombing in ’95, rightist attacks were attributed to “extremists” rather than terrorists: Posse Comitatus, the Order, Walter Leroy Moody Jr, and a long list of violence aimed at women’s health practitioners. The racist beliefs of many of these groups makes it hard to completely avoid drawing connections between them and the terrible history of terror aimed at ‘minorities,’ but even so it’s rare to see those connections made unless there’s some direct personal or institutional connection with the KKK. And it’s never connected with the amazing history of violence perpetrated by Puerto Rican nationalists: Lolita Lebron and co, who opened fire on the floor of the US House of Representatives in 1954 and wounded five congressmen, Antuilo Ortiz’s 1961 hijacking, and the Puerto Rican FALN which apparently claimed over 120 bombings between in the late ’70s and early ’80s. Alongside this, leftist violent acts are laughably rare. And then, of course, there’s an endless litany of “lone gunman” whose attacks correlate more often than not with shifts in demographics, particularly growing immigrant populations — but they’re usually described as kooks and their actions fenced off from any sociopolitical analysis.
This history is hardly a series of anomalies, though in official/pop discourse the constituent events have certainly been treated as such on a number of levels. With the rise, starting in the late ’70s, of rightist and often Christianist violent groups, we begin to see more heuristic analysis, though mainly emanating from advocacy groups (for example, the ADL and the SPLC). The spectacular attacks, in OK City and the two on the WTC, have cast a very sharp shadow over this kind of activity; as has the war in Iraq. I think (hope?) that it’s become much harder to distinguish between domestic rightist bombs and IEDs in Iraq; but that remains to be seen — particularly as the US begins to demobilize vast numbers of US soldiers who’ll return, I expect, to an ambivalent reception, an economic disster zone, and extremely poor support services.
At the same time, though, it’s not like there’s an endless repertoir of techniques of terror, so it’s fair to ask whether it makes sense to lump its practitioners together on the grounds that they, say, use bombs. Given the last several years of what Matt Fuller, I think, has called the Global War on the Monopoly of Terror, and with it the drive to see everything — very much including peaceful organization and opposition — as TERROR. Heuristics have their benefits, because one alternative, totalizing categories, serve very particular ends. QV “city” and “war.”
Cheers, T