To: Nettime-l
Subject: Re:
Michael Reinsborough (Sun 05/29/11 at 09:34 PM +0100):
does anyone have more info on this Rapture dynamic that happened in USA. is it true that a surprisingly large number of people in the USA belief in “rapture”
Current evangelical ideas about the rapture are only the latest incarnation of millennia-old Christian eschatological traditions. While it’s true that millenarianism hasn’t been a big feature of European history for quite some time, it did play a decisive role in various restructurings of the European political order(s) — a very positive role, in many cases. So though it may seem and in many ways may be atavistic in the worst senses of the term, I think it’s important to look beyond those obvious aspects for more positive potentials. I don’t mean that we should literally try to find some silver lining in what these people are saying; instead, I mean more generally that apocalyptic outbursts are often the extreme, symbolic expressions of much broader anxieties about and critiques of, say, profoundly corrupt political and religious authority and polarizations of wealth distribution. Put simply, when established powers can’t provide any coherent narrative pointing toward a better future, it isn’t surprising that some people would look to ‘higher’ powers for these narratives.
Questions about the disposition of wealth has been one of the central features of past millenarian movements. So, for example, in the years surrounding the turn of the first millennium, exegetical emphasis on New Testament passages dealing with wealth (e.g., Matt 19:24, “it is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God”) played an important role in the transfer of land from aristocrats to monastic orders. This contributed mightily to a number of positive developments: the cessation of ubiquitous low-level pillaging, the stabilization of artisanal techniques, the rise of literacy, and so on — which in turn contributed heavily to what’s come to be called the Renaissance.
This time around, these ‘critiques’ were treated much more glibly in the way you’d expect from the media — memes about entrepreneurs offering to care for pets that get left behind, pathetic stories about what the kids and neighbors think, and the like. But rather that side with the patronizing journos yukking it up and against the radio-believin’ rubes, it’s worth noting that the paradoxical problem of wealth through a decisive historical rupture was at the center of a lot of pop discussion of this non-event. And, right now, it’s not like the rapturists are or should be the only people in the world concerned with this.
What I haven’t seen is any serious discussion with American millenarians about the question of wealth — and given that Harold Camping’s followers are just a tiny slice of the Americans who believe that some kind of end is near, and there are lots of variations, that omission is worth noting. It’s partly attributable to the fact that, as far as I know, rapturists completely sidestep the issue by consigning everything material to perdition — so, by their own account, there’s no point in thinking about it because it’s the very definition of irrelevant. But that, in itself, is significant: there have been lots of variations on apocalyptic thinking in which such things did matter (e.g., schools of thought in which humanity needed to prepare for or even build heaven on earth, in some cases through violent expropriation of wealth).
Another curious feature of this round of rapture is the fact that (again, to my knowledge) it didn’t really address gender issues. That terrain seems to be owned by evangelicals who are obsessed with reproduction issues. God’s sudden intervention into world history and the fate of fetuses might seem to be pretty disparate, but at points in the history of theology they’ve been deeply intertwined. For example, in Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologica there are some pretty astounding discussions in which he posited the possibility of infants who (and whose parents too) unwittingly subsisted entirely on a diet of aborted fetuses. The common thread involved question about what body would be assumed into heaven. Would saints in heaven bear the marks of their persecution? Or would their bodies be restored to some more ‘perfect’ state? And if so, what constituted perfection? Hence the question of unwitting cannibals whose bodies ‘belong’ to others. These kinds of inquiries are so amazing that it’s hard to see the larger question that animate them: what legitimately belongs to each human being? Given when he was writing, in the mid-1200s, you could argue (I would) that these questions were oblique, symbolic meditations on new understandings of wealth — basically, the seed of what eventually evolved into theories about human rights.
I’m pretty sure that Camping’s followers almost uniformly oppose sexual autonomy. But the fact that their activism has focused on a gender-neutral rapture rather than on opposing ‘abortion’ is just as noteworthy as the fact that many evangelicals who are less abruptly millenarian are consumed with actively opposing sexual autonomy. From where I sit, that’s a pretty low bar; but, still, I think it’s a tacitly positive aspect. It’s easy to scoff at a bunch of kooks who ‘miscalculated’ the end (and what end hasn’t been miscalculated, right?). It’s much harder to look beyond the non-event for the seeds of promising developments. A few of them may be hopelessly embittered by this experience and give up, but the vast majority of them will remain solidly within the evangelical fold — and, hopefully, do so on the basis of ideals that place less emphasis on patriarchal revanchism. An evangelical movement that supports women’s freedom to choose would be a fine thing.
Christianity isn’t my cup of tea at all, even less evangelical Christianity. The extent to which they’ve distorted this country’s politics has severely tested my very secular ‘ecumenical’ tolerance. But I’m also really tired of antireligious bigotry, in part on pragmatic grounds (very secular, right?): evangelicals are here to stay — in a big way. Laughing at the more extreme manifestations of these beliefs is unwise and, I’m tempted to say, unjust. In the past, these kinds of radicalism have had some very progressive dimensions, and I’d like to see that happen again. But they’re heavily dominated by leaders who are bitterly antimodern, anticosmopolitan, antiurban, anti-intellectual, and above all antifeminist; and those leaders benefit from their correct assessment that future-oriented, cosmopolitan, urban(e) intellectuals typically see evangelicals as imbeciles and losers enslaved by primitive ideas. You don’t need to comply with their entire belief system to acknowledge that, however obliquely, however remotely, their beliefs evince deep anxieties about where the world is headed. Indeed, I think there are deeper and more specific affinities to be found. But you won’t find them until you admit that many ‘progressive’ issues aren’t necessarily or intrinsically secular.
Cheers, T