“A draft government report projects covid-19 cases will surge to about 200,000 per day by June 1, a staggering jump that would be accompanied by more than 3,000 deaths each day.” The US is currently seeing ~24k new cases/day with a mortality rate of ~2k/day. So, according to this story, if new cases jump by ~800%, deaths will increase by just 50%. That doesn’t sound very credible, does it? But if deaths increase proportionally, that’d be close — again — to 15k/day deaths. That’s a Vietnam War’s worth of US deaths every 4 days, the equivalent of WW2 in just three weeks, and a half million in just over a month. If it continued at that rate for a few months — and the only thing hindering it would be magical thinking — that’s getting into numbers associated with words like genocide. I’m pretty clear on this: I think officials who knowingly and deliberately acted in ways that would magnify sickness and death from C-1 on a large scale should be prosecuted, convicted, and punished with the same regard for life that they showed for others — none. Many of you will disagree, but I’m curious about what you think. What would it take for you to decide that this national trajectory is just too much, and that your normal ethical and moral beliefs are no longer up to the challenge?