The Economist published this chart showing how many C-19 tests various countries have performed per confirmed case. It’s presented as a logarithmic scale, so 1-10, 11-100, and 101-1000 look the same; if it were presented ‘naturally,’ as a linear scale, the chart would need to be several pages wide. Unless you think that large numbers of people randomly falling ill and dying on an ongoing basis is OK, widespread and accessible testing is an absolute precondition of “reopening.” Right now, Trump and the GOP are trying to bullsh*t their way around that in the hope that some miracle — summer, sunlight, off-label meds, cleaning products, or fear of starvation — will save them from having to implement an actual public-health policy, but it won’t work. All it’ll do is cause chaos and suffering, and waste valuable time as we approach winter (think: penniless people in freezing climates). The only thing that’ll work is a coherent policy of testing, contract tracing, and isolation that’s supported financially, nutritionally, and logistically (and that’s the bare minimum). Absent that, the US is just a nation full of people forced to play Typhoid Mary.