Rumored Escapes has confirmed that since the next round of Apple laptops won’t have a physical escape key, there’ll be a new 9.99/month. (2) For everyday users there’ll be a new app, Escapes, with in-app purchases, so you can rent escapes for a 24 hours from the first time you hit escape: 9.99 for a Great Escape, or $24.99 for special editions like an Escape from New York. Or (3) light users can buy individual escapes wirelessly via NFC and make micropayments via ApplePay. All of your escapes will be stored in iCloud, and there’ll be a new tab in iTunes, which will launch every time you think about escaping, so you can manage your escape library. It’s also rumored that Microsoft will follow suit by losing the escape key, and the next version of Windows will include an on-screen Escape assistant, Escapy.