To: Nettime
…such as they are. since [email protected] complained that nettime was light on facts, here’s what i know; the main text is [dead link], with annotations based on what roger malina from Leonardo told me over the last weeks and whatever else i could find out.
this isn’t a suit over a domain; rather, it’s over results in search engines. of course, leonardo.* will come up quite high in some engines, depending on the engine’s design. note that,, and are all registered (by entities, respectively, in the UK, canada, and the US [.net = Verio!]).
it isn’t clear why Leonardo Finance et al. think that a french court order can prevent a san francisco–based non-profit from using the name ‘leonardo’ — which of course presents a notable asymmetry compared to borderline-psychotic US courts. however, though ICANN’s ‘uniform dispute resolution policy’ ostensibly applies to domain disputes, it can be invoked on other grounds — anything alleged to violate the terms a registrant must agree to when registering/renewing a domain with an ICANN-accredited registrar. those terms include incredibly vague language which could be construed as using a domain to do just about anything someone somewhere doesn’t like — which is why the UDRP is so bloody dangerous. (and wait till ICANN starts involving itself in IP number allocation — and, by implication, IP# blocking.)
someone commented in the slashdot thread that an effective way to foil Leonardo Finance (successful ruling or not) would be for masses of people to insert ‘Leonardo Finance’ etc. in their web pages (cross-linking these pages would work on google). clever but, like “virtual sit-ins,’ not a long-term solution, because this kind of thing can backfire: for example, altavista ignores sites on a seemingly ad hoc basis. more generally, corrupting search engines is a Very Bad Idea.
a word to all you fun rtmark and sit-in kids: before you gentle- men start your engines, please check with roger malina to see if he even wants your help. the etoys attacks may have ‘raised consciousness,’ but a hell of a lot of it is intensely negative — and not just from conservative media. as time goes by, your targets will quickly become much more savvy about spinning their nasty actions into stories about the ‘evil hacker d00dz’ who are attacking poor little e-commerce sites. and the press will be a lot more open to that spiel than to yours.
cheers, t
For further information contact: Roger Malina: [email protected]
Roger Malina, Chairman of Leonardo/ISAST, San Francisco, announced Monday that the Association Leonardo in France was being sued for trademark infringement on use of the word “Leonardo.”[1]
[1] the Leonardo journal has an ISSN and copyright, both renewed anually. ‘I’ = ‘international,’ btw.
Leonardo/ISAST and Association Leonardo[2] are non-profit[3] scholarly arts organizations working on behalf of a world-wide community of artists, scientists and scholars. Since 1968[4] this network has produced the scholarly journal Leonardo, now published by the MIT Press of Cambridge, Massachusetts.[5]
[2] ( = Observatoire Leonardo des Arts et technosciences) [3] L/ISAST = san francisco-based 501(c)(3); AL = paris-based A 1901 [4] founded paris, 1967. [5] originally published by Pergamon Press, later by MIT Press.
Leonardo/ISAST and Association Leonardo also award prizes and awards, co-organize conferences and events, and publish Leonardo Music Journal, numerous Leonardo web sites and the Leonardo Book Series through MIT Press.[6]
[6] ( = Leonardo On Line), < ( = L Digital Reviews), ( = L Electronic Almanac, paid subscription required).
The legal suit against Association Leonardo has been filed in Nanterre, France, by Transasia Corporation and co-complainants. Transasia claims to have recently trademarked in France the names Leonardo, Leonardo Finance,[7] Leonardo Partners, Leonardo Invest and Leonardo Experts.[8]
[7] trademarked 1985-88. site: 58 avenue d’I’na 75116 Paris; tel +33 (1) 47 20 24 88, fax +33 (1) 49 52 01 01. listed contacts:
directors: Didier Benchimol, Antoine Dupont-Fauville,
Jean-Pierre Gallocher, Michel Saillard
Yves Delacour [email protected] (also pres of ‘Association Leonardo’)
Valérie Virlouvet [email protected] (also sec’y gen and main listed contact for of “LA’)
Franck Monnot [email protected]
Association Leonardo, 12 Ave George V 75008 Paris (same tel/fax) [8] and Association Leonardo, ~6 months after the nonprofit AL in 1989
Transasia is claiming over a million dollars[9] in damages based on their claim that a search engine request using the word “Leonardo” brings up not only their web sites but also those of the Leonardo arts organization.[10]
[9] FF5M (i didn’t do this calculation, don’t quibble).
[10] they claim that ~50% of their business comes from internet marketing, and that they’re losing ~20% of their business as a result.
The suit asks that the Association Leonardo be forbidden from using the word “Leonardo” in its web site projects or any other products or services. Following issuance of the suit, Transasia asked that a search warrant be served on the legal address of the Association Leonardo, now the home of the widow of Frank Malina - the founder in the 1960s of the Leonardo Journal. The search warrant was served with no prior warning by a squad of eight policemen.
Leonardo/ISAST and the Association deplore this attempt to destroy the activities of a 30-year-old network of artists and scientists that has championed the work of artists using new media and the sciences.
A Leonardo Legal Defense Fund has been established: donations may be sent to Leonardo, c/o ISAST, 425 Market St., 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA.