To: nettime-l Subject: Re: After Babelfish From: t byfield Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 00:57:56 -0400

Julian Dibbell (Mon 09/25/00 at 05:05 PM -0500):

Consider Fallen’s estimation of his own products’ capabilities as literary machines. Given the right kind of source text, he says ’ a simply and precisely written technical manual, for instance — a Systran product loaded with the appropriately specialized vocabulary can spit out translations of up to ninety-nine percent accuracy. But anything as open-ended as a news report remains a challenge, and never mind more nuanced texts. “If you take Shakespeare and put it into the product as you take it out of the box, you’re going to get garbage,” says Fallen. “You’re going to get twenty-five or thirty percent, or you’re going to get some sort of word analysis that is going to have little to do with the prose and the elegance, et cetera, of what Shakespeare is all about.”

GIGO, basically: garbage in, garbage out.

the problem, of course, is that from a cybernetic standpoint, the singularities of culture — those expressions in which the density of references and correlations reaches its zenith (we see this arguable idealism in joyce, goethe, dolce & gabana, gaddis, eco, take your pick or add your own) — are retrospectively rendered as Garbage for their failure to conform to the categorical dictates of Content: a smooth flux that flows through procedural avenues, lest it end up in the wrong inbox, that is, of the supervisor.

but even the linguistic continuity of the word ‘continuity’ disguises a transformation that’s very hard to pin down, but just as surely is the nagging source of the revisionist insistence on reconstructing the universe and everything ever in it in terms of ‘markets’: a powerful analytical tool, to be sure, but one that (again) tends to privilege categories and classes of goods and services over specificities. i suspect that’s why phenomena like ebay are so successful and so interesting: they signal a double realization: first, that this newfound but old Garbage itself constitutes a class of goods; second, that the sphere of production is retooling such that the supply of Garbage will dwindle and, therefore, the demand must grow relative to it. if, of the pair supply and demand, one falls into stasis, the other ends up compensating with frenetic behavior. it’s an immanent logic that serves to validate the system as a whole by rectifying any maldistribution of ‘the system itself’ — structured flux.

that’s not to say that there’s no continuity, of course there’s some. but, again, it’s hard to pin down. structuralism (as in lévi-strauss et al.) was an analytical system that insisted on finding forms of ‘order’ that both scaled well and were omnipresent — in the narrative of a myth, in botanical categories, in the layout of a village, in the tattoos on a face. decades later we saw prigogine, gleick, delanda, kelly, and so on find the ‘natural’ analog of structuralism’s cultural mappings. the curious combination of an intimate fascination with specificity and a total disregard for it evident in the mania to find it everywhere is just as much a prehistory of cyberneticism as, say, the rogues’ gallery that barbrook made such hay about in his ‘californian ideology’ — which itself fell prey to the same if-all-you’ve-got-is-a-hammer-then-all-the-world-looks-like-a-nail dynamic. the thing these all have in common, i think, is their context: the disnintegration of the foundational subject of our inherited discourse of Man. so now we’re stuck with the same old damn problem of mimesis — it’s too ingrained to be rid of, or even to decide if it’s ‘natural’ or ‘cultural’ — but we don’t know what we’re supposed to imitate anymore. and since there’s a scarce supply of subjects, we compensate by whipping up the demand for them by constructing new forms of demand — processes, methodologies, transformations — which have to be general because we’re not really sure what’ll end up flowing through them. but as a pal’s grandfather used to say, ‘that’s ok too.’ Man may be the subject of history, but He isn’t the subject of time, and, as far as anyone, knows we’ve got oodles of that.

cheers, t