To: nettime-l Subject: Re: Who is paying you? From: t byfield Date: Sun, 17 Aug 1997 00:28:53 -0400

(Note: This message dates from a period when, for various reasons, I practiced writing fully justified texts. I’ve set this email in a monospaced font to make that clear.)

[email protected] (Sat 08/16/97 at 05:41 AM +0100): deals with changing the way we think about net space mapping. The reason information about it is distributed on Nettime is because it is connected with organizations invovled with critical media & art. If Name.Space becomes successfull, it will support artist activities.

So we’ve been told. Of course, the corollary is that if it doesn’t become successful, it won’t support any such activities; Mr. Cook seems to think that it won’t succeed, and AFAIK he’s well informed in this matter. Given the size and power of the “major players”--for example, the White House-- he’s probably correct; so if fails, it doesn’t reflect on Paul or the merits of his project. IIRC is pressing a lawsuit; that will very likely take years of appeals, procedures, compliance and so on. So, for me, the question is: How does Paul define “success”? If that is a precondition of supporting artistic activities, then when does it happen? When turns an annual profit of one dollar? Or ten million dol- lars? Presumably, since is a for-profit company that draws its revenues from providing a service in a competitive field, it will have to follow normal corporate procedures--upgrading its equipment, lowering its prices, expanding its range of services--or go bankrupt. Needless to say, these very real forces will discourage devoting resources to artists: not yet, we can’t do it yet, maybe next year... The idea that will somehow just slowly make more money and help artists is completely naive. How? By providing space on servers? So what? That isn’t exactly something to yell about. OK, then, by providing financial support? Well, will need to set up a not-for-profit, otherwise it will have to pay corp. taxes on profits it just gave away, which would be crazy. But an NFP will cost money to maintain--so, not yet, we can’t do it yet... Not to mention the fact that if gives away profits, then investors will avoid it like the plague, which will limit to revenues it draws from its services--which will place its competitors at a strong advantage, and thereby jeapordize the funding of artistic activity: so not yet, we can’t do it yet... And so on. This is the logic of the market, which isn’t very abstract: at root level, it involves people who think in particular ways, laws, institutions, limitations. Lots of people try to do it differently, and most of them go out of business. Maybe will succeed, maybe it won’t; but mostly what I see coming out of is what Mr. Cook said--self-promotion. I’ve worked with and for lots of people who dangled the carrot of communal promises in order to recruit support. It’s boring.


Why has not man a microscopic eye? For this plain reason: man is not a fly.