I watched Midsommar last night. It’s like a Hannacke / Children of the Corn / ’90s hacker flick mashup done by someone who loves Wes Anderson but spent lots of time in acting classes and wants to be Ingmar Bergman. Or something. I’m sure it’s got Shyamalan written all over it, but I’ve never seen any of his stuff. It’s one of those weird empty-subjectivity cultural objects so hopelessly burdened by past output that it ends up mostly throwing signifiers. Its depiction of academia is interesting because it’s so dumb. And it also suffers from a problem I’m seeing more and more — lighting people who can’t see daylight so they don’t know how to work in it. I’d give it bonus points for avoiding the golden-hour trap, but I guess that’s kinda baked-in, innit? Florence Pugh brought way too much talent to it.