To: nettime-l
Subject: Re:
Geert Lovink (Thu 02/15/01 at 12:17 PM +1100):
The Usenet archives thread is raising interesting questions and I think we should further list these questions rather than getting into a big capitalism debate. As far as I can see the issue of Google owning Usenet archives should have been discussed much earlier, when Dejanews started archiving Usenet for commercial purposes. This debate is not about the right of this or that company to make money, but about the question if they should do that with other people’s writing, without asking permission.
a critique from the standpoint of the commodity, which fetishizes the author and his (yeah, his) rights. salted with some misunderstanding, i think, about american and european cosntructions of what those rights are: exploitation, on the one hand, and moral right on the other. neither fares very well in the face of communications structured by protocols; they fare even worse when the communications shift from one protocol to another, which is what the dejanews archives did.
it was debated quite extensively when dejanews started archiving usenet, but the debates were academic, as they say, because no one could stop them — from doing what exactly? from accepting a newsfeed (a) without expiring the articles, and (b) feeding it to an NNTP→ HTML gateway. this first distinction, no expiry, was simply a function of NNTP servers, a means of minimizing storage because disks were expensive. the second, the gateway, was quite insightful: the manipulability of web display made linear archives nonlinear. that mini-convergence came as a shock. in a way, i suppose it was an ur-‘repurposing,’ a necessary stage in the production of the category ‘content’: the transformation of a mass of transient communications into a semi-permanent historical record. of course, that had happened countless time before — but never to an entire genre. i’m not sure i’d call usenet a genre now, but it was one then, i think.
the widespread reaction at the time was horror that all those posts had not in fact gone away. so imagine what would have happened, had dejanews compiled cumulative lists of every usenet post attributed to an email address over the past few years then sent a request for permission to publicly archive them all… paroxysms of paranoia.
nevermind that the vast majority of those messages include material that’s quoted with attribution, sometimes three, four, five levels deep — with the occasional copyright violation tossed in, quoted, redacted, as well as the forgeries, etc. to suggest that it would have been possible to request fine-grained permissions for such a topologically intertextual nightmare completely misses the point of what usenet is and how it works. it wasn’t culturally, institutionally, or even technically possible to subject usenet to the norms of paper-based publishing.
and it misses as well usenet’s place within the larger framework of protocols and interfaces. email was presumptively ‘private,’ whereas the web and gopher were ‘public.’ usenet inhabited a curious middle ground, similar in a way to IRC, of publicly accessible but (it was assumed) transient conversations; unlike IRC, though, its ability to function relied on a formalized hierarchy, which itself was sustained by procedures for starting new groups. (there are other differences, of course — sync and async characteristics, for example).
the social and institutional basis of usenet was very much of a piece with its ‘content’, too: authorship of any given element was secondary to the flow of conversation. this logic is reflected in its distribution system, which is quite unlike that of any other protocol (although caching systems to optimize web traffic have started to recapitulate the usenet model).
cheers, t