It just gets better. Reuters claims the hotel Erdogan where was staying in Marmaris was bombed and attacked by dozens of troops rappelling from helicopters. Since there are 50-100K people there, depending on how you reckon, and it’s a popular tourist town in July, maybe some plucky citizen journalists noticed something? Twitter search for “Marmaris explosion,” “Marmaris bomb,” “Marmaris gunfire” turn up a few dozen vague things total, mostly cut-and-paste twitter noise, many of them locals calling BS — although a few UK tourists, Mike and Rhonda, do say they were woken up. Rhonda has a few videos: of a mini-demo, and a bullet hole in a window five stories up (the tourists playing in the pool don’t seem overly worried). Another tourist, Ross Adam Partridge, tells his friend “hey yeah hearing the gunshots / chopper / explosion last night was bit scary!”. When his friend asks where, Ross says Erdogan was staying at the Maris Hotel, whose website says it “offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and a balcony,” and that “free parking is available nearby”! There are two shakycam videos, both via, that are improbably pixelated and could be of pretty much anything. URLs in the comments.