To: Nettime Subject: Four Allegories From: t byfield Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 10:51:41 -0500

Four allegories, submitted in order to teach and entertain all Nettimers. Extracted from RISKS DIGEST 19.63

1. On Names and Spaces

The “centraal corporation” of Palo Alto recently introduced a new scheme for entering WWW host addresses into Web browsers. According to the marketing literature, you could replace all of that nasty http://host/directory nonsense with a single word.

They presented this with a gentle, heartwarming Disney example. Who wants to think of their toddler son having to type in all those dots and slashes to read about their favorite fawn, when they could just use the new scheme and type in “bambi”?

Well, it turns out Junior had better stick with the punctuation. Following their press release, thousands of users went directly to their browsers and typed in “bambi”. Normal browser auto-expansion dropped them on “”, a decidely non-Disney site where children can learn about a side of wildlife not fully depicted in the movie.

There are some fascinating tidbits in a Reuters article on the subject:

  • The company is selling the service to large companies who want simpler web addresses in advertising.

  • As people have found, the “single word” approach has some regrettable side effects if you don’t have their special software installed.

  • The president of the company was “surprised” that browsers would jump to a site given an incomplete address. <…>

2. On Spacing out Names

Dan Charles of NPR reports that TV mfgrs responded to the “What happens when parents lose the {V-chip} password?” question with:

We haven’t figured that out yet..

If certificates, authentication and such are a morass for the DOD [as they are discovering…]; what happens in the larger world of TV sales? Will we see ads in the classifieds such as:

For Sale, 27’ Sony, lost password, only gets Disney.. <…>

3. On Names as Spaces

A Kansas City company, Applied Micro Technology Inc., is about to begin selling a device for censoring language in TV broadcasts (intended for the protection of children). It works only on closed-captioned broadcasts. If a banned word is found in the closed caption, the sound is muted and the closed caption displayed with a milder word substituted. The original design just matched on words, causing DICK VAN DYKE to turn into JERK VAN GAY. This was obviously inadequate, so it was extended to recognize context. The designer, Rick Bray, says that it now catches 65 out of 66 “offensive words” in the movie Men in Black (for example), and so he now allows his children to see it, and so they’re pleased with the device. The article [sorry, source missing] does not say how many false hits it finds, nor how much dialogue gets lost because the closed captions are not actually always synchronized with the audio. There are at present 100 banned words.


4. On Names in Space

You may have noticed, that with almost every new movie trailer or advertisement comes an URL for a web site that in most cases contains motion video clips, stills, and other information about the movie. Seems like just another promotional opportunity which I think few would take issue with.

However, I have also noticed a darker trend developing in parallel with this. Operators of porn sites are increasingly obtaining domain names nearly identical to that of the movies being promoted, usually with only a bit of punctuation being the difference.

The most recent example: the science-fiction movie “Deep Impact”, due out this summer (an apocalyptic tale of comets crashing to earth). The print ads and trailers note the URL “”.
