The problem with these expert analyses is that experts are slow on the uptake and bogged down in proceduralism and normy assumptions. Unlike ‘paranoid’ mavericky types like me, who were warning about this the entire time. 🤯 Trump just rolled out a new argument — early voters want to change their votes to him after the last debate — which makes me think he will try to monkeywrench things. But there are two angles this kind of expert take misses: (1) some ballot challenges will come from Trump, and some will come from the GOP, and their interests are divergent; and (2) challenges will affect the entire ballot, including Congressional votes. It’s possible, maybe likely, the Dems will wake up and realize the GOP has thrown even the Dem House majority into question. Either way, the question now isn’t Will Biden win?, it’s If Trump and the GOP claim powers you believe are illegitimate, how far will YOU go to contribute to a general strike that brings the country to its knees?