To: Nettime-l Subject: Re: Critique of the “Semantic Web” From: t byfield Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 12:10:29 -0500

Scot McPhee (Thu 12/27/07 at 07:20 PM +1000):

What I don’t understand why they don’t just use the word “taxonomy”. Isn’t that what it is? Indexing and classifying. Sounds like a bunch of butterflies and insects pinned into a glass cabinet to me. Or does the word somehow conjure unwanted notions of enlightenment gentlemen doing exactly that - and it’s an unwanted comparison that Florian makes, much to their discomfort.

But your question seems to assume that a word should mean the same thing(s) across disciplines: since philosophy laid claim to “ontology” long before computer science was a twinkle in anyone’s eye, CS should “just use the word ‘taxonomy’,” right? That approach, writ large, would plant you squarely on one side of the semantic web debate — and, I’ll bet, not among allies you’d be completely comfortable with. Alternatively, that approach writ small leads us down the garden path toward very pragmatic but philosophically (and computer scientifically) problematic “folksonomies” and the like — “stuff” “that” “just” “works.”

Normally, I shy away from sweeping, reductive, and categorical dismissals of entire subjects, but in this case I have to make an exception: irony requires it. The debate about the “semantic web” is less a matter of insects meticulously paced, pinned, and labeled in glass cabinets; and more like a lifeless wasp’s nest moldering in some damp basement somewhere or other. Florian explained why, sort of:

the “Semantic Web” is a term and project that is not only prone to major confusion, but also emblematic of how the alienation between engineering and humanities goes both ways: shockingly naive and simplistic understandings of cultural concepts among the former, and a complete misunderstanding of the “Semantic Web” among the latter because its terminology of “semantics” and “ontologies” is plainly weird or mystifying outside computer science.

The “same” word doesn’t mean the “same” thing, and no amount of cottage industrialization on the subject will change that fact in this particular context — or, more to the point, make any word mean the same thing across time, space, and (more to the point) historical context. And, really, why should it? Apparently in any nondisciplinary context we somehow manage to scrape by under the terrible burden of linguistic plenitude wherein a single word can bear many shades of meaning; why, then, does the appearance of a “discipline” suddenly cause everyone to run away shrieking in confusion?

There are, as Ed Phillips points out, genuinely interesting aspects of this debate; or at least this debate can lead (away, please) to some interesting issues. But endless scholastic scoldings about what the sematic web “really” is — hey, presto! two meanings in one sentence! — are “really” dull. Unless you’re given over to a vaguely psychotherapeutic understanding of the “real,” in which case these debates can “really” be seen as something very different than what they claim to be. An endless treadmill of one discipline claiming primacy over another.

Here’s the semantic web, circa 1945:

“A language is a dialect with an army and navy.” — Max Weinreich

Let’s not forget that discipinary idioms are, first and foremost, dialects. So, given a mishmash of academic professional organizations, on the one hand, and Google et al., on the other, who’s got the army and navy?

That’s why they don’t just use the word “taxonomy.”

Cheers, T