Welcome to Issue #1 of R4, my periodic review of reviews of review reviews. So, like, people write reviews of something, then other people review them, then someone collects them — and I review those collections! Got it? Good. Issue #1 is dedicated to the Digg’s collection of “The Funniest, Meanest Lines From The Very Bad Reviews For The ‘Cats’ Movie.” REVIEW: The last few days have been a Garden of Earthly Delights when it comes to hilarious, imaginative things to say about CATS. Somehow, Digg succeeded in the statistically impossible task of collecting lines that are emphatically neither. RATING: 💩 —— (1 out of 5). The only reason Digg gets that 1 is so you’ll know the rating system uses poops. If there were a way to do a fecal transplant and insert poops back into Digg so it could get a negative-poop rating, they’d deserve it for this (wait for it…) piece of sh*t.