To: Nettime Subject: Re: Napster Hurts Free Software From: t byfield Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 00:17:29 -0400

bruce perens wrote:


So, why is this totalitarian control of information coming? Because widespread bootlegging of music with Napster today provides enough justification to convince lawmakers that it’s necessary. Otherwise, we might have a small hope of protecting our freedoms, but right now it looks like we’re sunk.


rubbish because the poor, poor music industry has done this little song and dance too many times before, yet it somehow keeps making more and more money.

rubbish because we’ve seen a parade of ‘trusted’ systems be- fore, with names like ‘clipper.’ it’s a technique in search of a home.

blaming the spate of psychotic legislation on napster users is rubbish. were they similarly responsible for the curious change to the 1976 Copyright Act defining musicians’ labors as ‘work for hire,’ therefore retroactively exempting their work from laws under which rights would revert to the creat- ors after 35 years?

With freedom comes responsibility. It’s time for us to start being good examples.


cheers, t