To: Nettime-l Subject: Google From: t byfield Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 05:09:19 -0500

Sorry to break in on yet another scintillating chat about Facebook that’s doomed to arrive where it should have begun, but I thought this might be of interest to nettimers:

This is genuinely astonishing. The question, I think, is how to approach it: for example, starting with high-minded principles and working our way down, or, rather, starting with theater — and, among many other things, this is brilliant theater — and working our way up?

Google’s motto, “don’t be evil,” has sparked endless snark, most of it about as satisfying as the motto itself. Not so often (never, IIRC) have I seen anyone acknowledge that, however starry-eyed or ham-handed that motto may be, it might also be a decent rule of thumb, and that the world might also be an infinitesimally better place if more corporations subjected their work to that kind of sanity check every so often. But underlying much of that snark, I suppose, was the sense (albeit in a very inchoate form) that since we’d never actually see Google make a clearly defined choice based on this “not-evil” criterion, it was just so many empty words — for the most part uttered, irritatingly, by coddled kids sitting on exercise balls at their desks.

That should be surprising because, surely, Google has been navigating through a wilderness of mirrors. Most companies can barely manage to cobble together a product or service, let alone do anything ‘innovative.’ And while I’m suspicious of that word, I also know that Google is painfully aware of the complex relationship between the tools and techniques it develops and those of its myriad antagonists — a group that very much includes governments and gangsters as well as, alarmingly, their hybrids.

Here we have Google openly speaking in a refractory way about that very problem. The statement doesn’t quite bluntly assert that the Chinese government is a criminal regime, but it certainly doesn’t discourage that inference either.

You needn’t be very cynical to speculate whether Google is, among other things, dressing up some inevitable revelation that Gmail is insecure, and/or that there’ve been specific security breaches with disastrous repercussions. And nor do you need to be very cynical to think back to the revelation that Yahoo had been informing on human-rights activists to the Chinese government. Or to suspect that there’s much, much more than meets the eye here. So, yes, of course, there are some very pragmatic forces at work here; and Google’s statement is performative in ways that don’t conform with the cult of bourgeois social transparency wherein a speaking subject — even a corporate subject — is somehow supposed to ‘tell all.’

One of the curious things about Google (and this is true of Facebook etc., too) is that it’s hard to distinguish between ‘what they do’ and speech acts, because the two are so closely bound up together. So, in starting to think about what this statement by Google might mean, it’s worth asking: what have they actually done beyond publish a few words? Maybe more to the point, when might it actually mean something for a multinational to publish a few words?

The Clinton-era joke would be something to the effect of “what do you mean when you say mean?” But it’s not really a joke, because the answer’s not that hard: mean, in this sense, could mean breaking from the established program, accepted by oblivious cheerleaders and jaded critics alike, of maximizing imagined profits — for example, by deliberately choosing a course of action that places ethical imperatives above every other concern. Without recourse to the specious rationale that, in a market economy, someone else will inevitably do it anyway, so…

So: could it be that Google has actually taken a step in that direction?

Cheers, T