To: nettime-l
Not the usual nettime fare, but…
Several months ago, I posted a series of notes to nettime questioning how worthwhile the very idea/phrase “net discourse” really is, and asking what it is. For example, like the distinction held on* school between “abuse on the net” and “abuse of the net,” is “net discourse” something written on the net or something written about the net? or both? is it critical approaches transplanted to the net? a culmination of certain theoretical traditions in one of the above-mentioned things?
I’m tempted to think that if there is a “net discourse,” it’s written in machine code and operates (obviously) within the sphere of human activity but beyond our ability to “read” it directly: it consists of bots, of recursive structures in intramachine dialectics, of the formal shifts that are introduced into dialog, and so on. One way to read this “discourse,” though, is to watch what happens when its structure-events break free of their technical basis-domain and become specifically effective beyond that domain and its logic — in what people lazily call “RL,” Real Life. (This is what nettime is about, in many ways, yes?)
The subject is fascinating, to me at least; but specific instances (“events,” as the historians say with a sneer) are much more interesting than ideological-theoretical claims about what net discourse “is.”
We’re in an awkward position at the moment: we’re coming out of period in which systematic-theoretical historical and historiographical methods have prevailed for decades — they have trained us. But we’re looking at a very new and unfamiliar terrain, which pushes us back in the direction of naive positivisms and exciting stories with heroes and villains. Compound these problems with the fact that the terrain we’re looking at consists of automating the ideas — making them systematically effective — that, until now, were only as effective as the human agency that carried them out. Put simply, there’s a big difference between chopping someone’s head off and pushing an irrevocable nuclear button; more and more of our activities are beginning to resemble the latter, in method if not in consequence.
So here’s a specific case that’s come up recently, which I think is particularly dense and interesting, as far as these issues are concerned:
As a few nettimers will remember firsthand, somewhere between years and months ago, someone named Jim Bell began very aggressively promoting on the Cypherpunks mailing list a “hypothetical scenario” he had imagined, which he called “Assassination Politics” (his original essay, i think, is available at [dead link]; most of the debates about it are in the Cypherpunks archive at [dead link],if you have a few weeks of free time on your hands… By most accounts, his ideas were a tangle of juvenile sophistry, technical speculation, philosophical idealism, and petty kookiness. The idea was, basically, this: advances in certain kinds of cryptography had enabled people to make financial transactions with absolute guarantees of anonymity — so, he argued, a time would come very soon in which people would anonymously “bet” when unpopular or abusive government officials and agents would die, and whoever came closest would “win,” i.e., collect all the money that had been bet in a particular case. This was his ironically legalistic way of advocating assassination for hire without admitting to it. For months he argued that such a system would be legal, and that it would produce a better, more responsible form of government. In my opinion, he was glib, stupid, irritating, and evil; his values and goals were bad, and his cowardly, “clever” use of futuristic “fiction” only made his ideas that much more dangerous.
A few days ago, agents of the US government raided his house and carted off all his computer equipment. The first reports of this event can be found in alt.cypherpunks; Declan McCullagh’s story on the event can be found at,1012,800,00.html [dead link]. Here’s a short article I wrote in response to these remarks. (“RG” stands for Rich Graves [email protected]; “DM” stands for “Declan McCullagh” [email protected].)
Ted — - From: tbyfield Newsgroups: alt.cypherpunks,or.politics Subject: Re: 20 Armed Feds raid home of guy (Jim Bell) who posted to Internet Date: Sun, 06 Apr 1997 12:44:39 -0500
In article [email protected], [email protected] wrote:
<…>,1012,800,00.html <…>
RG> Mr. Bell was regularly flamed and killfiled on the list, and was actually barred from physical meetings.
Similar characterizations are in fact made in the article:
[DM] “I remember the reaction on the cypherpunks list to Bell’s writings: swift, critical, angry. Even the cypherpunk founders who popularized anonymous remailers and clandestine markets in digital information were appalled. One veteran ‘punk told me that “Bell crossed the line. It crossed over into the realm where the courts can go.”
If that’s all that Declan remembers, he should wiggle his RAM; if it isn’t all that he remembers, he may want to reassess his journalistic priorities.
Sure, a lot of people denounced Bell’s “ideas” as idiotic, immoral, indefensible sophistry, technically and legally naive, etc., etc. But the reaction to Bell was hardly more “swift, critical, angry” than the response to any other nonstop kookery or flamebait — and it certainly wasn’t as unified as Declan’s shorthand makes out. On the contrary, the reaction was tortuously drawn out, variously meticulous and slapdash, and irritated in twenty different ways (petulant, patient, conceited…). (There were, for example, several points when people suggested that Unicorn’s maniacal flogging of Bell was taking a toll on his own reputation.) And this line about crossing the line “into the realm where the courts can go” is absolutely priceless: fully half of the list’s traffic in that period was aimed at crossing that line. While there were sporadic suggestions that Bell’s advocacy might not be very prudent (e.g., given the presence of a federal DA on the list), does anyone else remember just how late in the game came Tim May’s warning that a specific remark by Bell had crossed the line from hypothetical speculation to actionable threat? If my memory serves me, it was several months after Bell had worn “AP” down through overuse into this unforgettable refrain:
”I have a solution for that! :)”
In the intervening months, Tim repeatedly pointed out that the particular scenario that Bell was ranting about was only one of many unsavory possibilities that he (Tim) had outlined years earlier.
Seth and Lewis are quite right to question Rich’s take on this — as though being flamed or killfiled on that list had any bearing on one’s Cypherpunks “credentials.” But for all that, Rich’s conclusion may not be far off: Bell was absolutely single-minded about erasing the distinction between someone acting in his or her vested capacity as an agent of the state, OT1H, and existing as a private individual, OT0H. Many people argued very clearly that his “solution” to the problem of abusive state agents only compounded the problem he supposedly objected to — statist abuse of the rule of law. Bell was and, I’m sure, remains a crackpot of the first water; small wonder if some government employees took it personally and intend to take it out on him. I certainly wouldn’t condone his motley rantings or their personal reaction to it — but by his own logic, FWIW, he hardly has a leg to stand on if they do. Whether he’ll advocate that logic as diligently under these new circumstances, or whether the officials dealing with his case are as evil as he imagined — well, we’ll see.