To: Nettime Subject: Patrice Riemens in conversation with Gaston Roberge From: t byfield Date: Tues, 28 Sept 2002 20:01:42 -0400

[This post was orginally sent on 28 Jul 2002 but got misdirected by an overeager procmail recipe and was only recently found. This is not good. But it’s still better than that neanderthal baby rediscovered after being misplaced for 90 years in some dusty drawer in a French museum. Felix]

Patrice Riemens in conversation with Gaston Roberge . (at the Seagull Foundation, Kolkata, December 27, 2001).

Gaston Roberge (GR): Patrice, You introduced yourself as a ‘media activist’ since the mid-eighties. What do you mean with this word ‘media activist’?

Patrice Riemens (PR): Well, it might be helpful to look at the two words separately to begin with. So let’s look at the media first, and then at the concept of activist. These days, when we are talking media , we are often talking about the ‘old media’ on the one side, and about the ‘new media’, the electronic media, on the other. I am mostly active in the ‘new media’. Yet, I am still a great consumer of ‘old media’ (newspapers, magazines, books, etc.) and a small time contributor to them, and I surely would not want to discard them entirely in favor of the ‘new (electronic) media’. But the new media, by their very nature, are much more open to contribution, collaboration, and community building ‘from below’. Hence, as a media activist, I am mostly active as a ‘new media activist’. ‘Activist’ itself is an ambivalent term, with many connotations, not all of which are positive. You may note that in French, the word ‘activiste’ conjures almost the same negative associations as the English word ‘militant’ does here (in India). Among my political friends and colleagues, however, political, or social, activism means that you commit yourself to a ‘good cause’, say the welfare of humanity in the most general sense of the term, and that you have a more than average concern for issues related to that, and that you are prepared to put work, time, and energy into that on a voluntary basis.

GR: OK, so now you are putting voluntary work into media activism. What kind of work is that?

PR: In the realm of the new media, most of the work of an activist goes not only into creating content, but also into creating the media themselves, from the bottom up. Concretely, that means that media activists are setting up electronic carriers of information, such as websites and mailing lists (‘listservs’). Two examples. I have been personally more or less directly involved in are the ‘Nettime’ mailing list, and the network of ‘Independent Media Centers’ (IMC), also known as ‘indymedia’ . Nettime is about ‘collective filtering of texts’ and tracking the ‘politics of the nets’, which in practice means a (large) group of authors/contributors writing texts or forwarding interesting ones on the various aspects of our contemporary ‘technological culture’, and a (small) group of moderators running the mailing-list - not a small task by the way. Nettime now exists in six different languages - these are all different lists, with different contents, and the ‘family tree’ is even larger if you count ‘associated lists’ (e.g. ‘Rhizome’, ‘Syndicate’, ‘Rohrpost’) which have been set up along more or less the same lines. The evolution and spread of the IMC movement is even more spectacular. Indymedia started in Seattle in 1999, on the occasion of the summit of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the massive protests against it. It has now disseminated all over the world. There are now sixtyone local/regional/national IMCs, including one in India, the latter started this very month (December 2001).All of these are all voluntary outfits engaged in what my friends from call the process of ‘information exchange for social change’.

GR: What does prompt one to become a (new) media activist, and what sort of existential and real problems trigger one to become engaged in that particular field?

PR: In my case - and I guess, in everybody’s case - this is somewhat difficult to explain. You have to delve in complex personal histories, the kind of ideas, of concerns, people have and how they sought to realize or address them. There is surely a particular mind-set that prompts one to become an activist. How and why this happened to me, I find difficult to formulate - so I admit it is important to reflect on this issue. Perhaps I would say it came to me more or less naturally, given my world-view and circumstances. What did not come naturally, were of course the concrete ways and avenues of being an activist. Coming to work as an activist was not a complicated process in itself, but it was quite haphazard and circumstances driven ≠ especially the shift from social/cultural/political activism into that related to the new media. It is there that the existence (and at that time rapid development of what was really ‘the new thing’) of these new technologies of information and communication, and my personal discovery of them played a crucial role. Historically, I happened to be a high school student (in Amsterdam) at the time of the ‘May events’ in France in 1968…

GR: You’re talking about the “Student Revolution”?

PR: Yes, that was my first encounters with the ideas - which were my ideas too ≠ ‘whose time had come’.

GR: And it was contagious…

PR: Very much so. And politically speaking, I have not very much looked back ever since. Even so, things have evolved, and I have noticed how my activities over time became embedded in an organized structure. Not structure as institution, but something informal and intangible. And yet it is something very solid, that has been created along the way. A network also, that prefigured, and went on to constitute, the web of activities and collaborations I am now part of. And yes, there is a red line of sorts running from my days as a high school student activist in 1968/69 (I was among the original members of the first of such a union in the Netherlands) till now when I am involved in the hackers movement, in the independent media centers (indymedia) movement in Amsterdam and other places. And by now, at 51, I have become some kind of a ‘elder statesman’ (or ‘statement’ … ;-) of ‘cyberspace activism’.

GR: But what were the issues that over these years since 1968, triggered you into becoming an activist, and more particularly a media activist? Of course May 1968, the Studentsπ Revolution was not only about media…

PR: Let me reformulate what you just say, and state that the very same issues that triggered media activism, triggered political dissidence and activism in general. At the risk of being somewhat simplistic, let me say that for me, the most important issue boiled down to the twin concepts of freedom and justice.

GR: There was therefore a feeling that freedoms were being curtailed or that attempts were made to do so.

PR: Definitely so, and I felt that it was unfair.

GR: This curtailing of freedoms is indeed a general issue and it can take many shapes depending on times and places. Do you have in mind a few specific areas or manifestations of freedom being curtailed?

PR: All over history there have been unfairness, curtailing of freedoms, unjust hierarchies, unjustified inequalities etc. And there has always been a struggle against this situation. Speaking about new media, and generally about present day activism and ‘new social movements’ as they are called, I do not want at all to draw a line between what we do and what our predecessors did. But I would say that we have evolved and may even have improved on a few points. Personally, I may add that even when I was a ‘rebellious’ high school student, and later at the university, I never joined an established oppositional party - in those days, and for most politically active people that meant the (Dutch) Communist Party ≠ or any institutionalized movement for that matter. This is something that now has come to age, I mean that modern day ≠ or postmodern day ≠ activism is much more autonomous of established parties, and springs much more from the grassroots than it used to. It is also much more pragmatic, concrete and issues oriented. They’ve called it ‘the end of the great narratives’. I could quote one of your stories, Gaston, and say that “we do not want to make people do what we want them to do because we know what they should do.≤ We do have a fairly clear idea of what we want, and not want, and what would be good for us, and we also tend to believe that it would hold true for the majority of the people, but it is for everyone to take it upon her or himself, and to decide to go for it and realize it.

GR: Since one may assume that issues of intellectual and of material and economic freedom are not of ådirectπ concern to media activists, can you perhaps indicate where threats to freedom actually occur in the realm of the new media?

PR: Nice take here! Indeed, the threats to freedom are not always directly related to the media (as technical carrier), but they apply to the message. What we see in the mainstream media, especially in their ‘old media’ manifestations (newspapers, magazines, radio and TV broadcasting), is that the news about alternative politics have been distorted, the message about alternatives ignored, and even suppressed. Now the great advantage of the new media is that, unlike the old ones, they are easy to use and open to almost anybody. Remember the quip “the freedom of the press is for those who own one” - well these days ‘anybody’ can ‘own’ a media platform: a website. So if you are not happy about what the mainstream media report ≠ and do not report ≠ about your ideas or your outfit, you can try to correct that in cyberspace. And there is one more thing. Political activists have taken to the new media much quicker and effectively than the mainstream outlets did, possibly because they are working on a totally different economic basis (often called the ‘gift economy’). This created a situation in which ‘activist media’, exemplified by the Independent Media centers (IMC) network, Indymedia, have a significant impact on a large number of people, often equal to that of global media-media players like CNN - and this with a fraction of the latter’s resources! And so the message about global injustice and global struggle, about alternatives to the current massively unfair socio-economic and political dispensation is coming through at last. This is very bad news for the powers that be, and especially after September 11th, plans are being hatched to curb this uncalled for ‘anarchist’ freedom of expression. You are hearing conservative think-tanks ‘theorizing’ about ‘good’ ≠ security services, financial institutions, academic partnerships ≠ and ‘bad’ networks ≠ terrorists, drug peddlers, pedophiles, and while we are at it: ‘anti-globalization’ activists. Aren’t the latter the disseminators of discontent, the breeding ground of terrorism? So, now we have a climate where ‘security’ has become a convenient excuse to curb the use and access to the new media. This is a clear, actual present danger which new media activists are set to expose and resist.

GR: Now to something different: using the new tools of computer-mediated communication, one gets the impression of becoming a very captive consumer, being driven like a slave by the compulsion of constantly ‘upgrading’ ≠ meaning buying ≠ into the latest hardware and software packages. I can see that skills and technology are progressing all the time, and that this should not be stopped, but on the other hand: is this constant expansion really necessary?

PR: This is a very interesting point you are raising here, and actually ≠ or unfortunately ≠ one could keep talking on this subject for a very long time indeed. It is a complex and convoluted issue, which I will try to address as comprehensively as is possible here and now. So to start with the perceived need of constant upgrades and sophistication: it depends very much on what sort of use you would like to put your ICT ‘capital’ to. If you keep it to ‘texts’ only ≠ and to you I need not explain the power of the Word ≠ you have fairly simple applications which run on fairly simple software programs (many of which are free) on fairly simple machines (which are cheap, and sometimes free too) necessitating, if you want to go on-line, only limited access bandwidth to the network (and this is now near-universally available). We are talking here about e-mail, listservs (i.e. mailing lists), and simple mostly text-based websites. And you can truly achieve a lot with those. For one, I am in favor of simplicity≠- and for text. But then I am not a ‘techie’, and techies love the new opportunities technological advances have brought in their wake, for instance, in the realm of images and sound. “One image is worth a thousand words” they say. But one image also needs the same resources (if not more) as thousand words. Fact is, as a political activist you can now run your own radio and TV-station on the Internet (this is called ‘streaming’ ≠ audio or video ≠ or more intriguingly still, ‘real media’).

GR: I have heard about that and was greatly excited!

PR: Well, the most famous recent example is radio station B92 in Belgrade under the Milosevic regime ≠ and the NATO bombs. There are now over 2500 radio stations and scores of TV stations ‘broadcasting’ over the Internet ≠ most are ‘mainstream’ of course. But to send, and also to receive, real media, you need much more bandwidth. So there is a quality and speed lap to be taken here (key word: ‘real time’), which makes your costs, both investments and upgrades in computers and programs, and also in connectivity≠- ISDN is a minimum but, in fact, nothing less than fiber optic cable will do≠- will skyrocket, even if you do it on a completely ‘hands-on’, not-for-profit way. Now, this is an ongoing subject of discussion, even of polemics, among media activists, both at the ‘sender’’ and at the ‘receiver’ end. Some argue for keeping it simple while other ask why we should deprive ourselves of the latest advances in technology which offer so many more options (think for instance that sounds & images are more readily assimilated by the public at large than text). I am myself concerned that going for the latest developments might make you less accessible (at the ‘point of entry’) to your community, and to the people you want to reach, your constituency. This is an argument you also hear in the North-South ‘Digital Divide’ debate. But it is not a simple issue. Contrary to a widely held opinion in the North, people in the South do not want to be dumped with second hand, ‘simple’ computers, neither are they backwardly ignorant of the latest hard- and software developments and unable to put these to good use. And they do not want to be stuck with lousy connectivity as ‘a fact of life’. In fact, despite, or may be thanks to their less luxurious (or extravagant) material conditions, they have developed countless ways of doing (much) more with (much) less, and rightly resent being treated as poorer cousins. So it is a never-ending discussion. I think part of the solution is to keep the options open, which means offering the full range of available facilities. “Qui peut le plus peut le moins” is an often forgotten maxim that can ≠ and should ≠ easily be put into practice in cyberspace. For instance, your website may display the latest in flash technology, but it should also be accessible, and hence formatted, to a user on ‘Lynx’ (a text-only interface).

GR: What is remarkable is that when technology reaches a certain level of complexity, it seems to be able to revert to a simpler model also. Now (but I haven’t seen one yet) we are told of the arrival of a simple computer called “Simputer”, with an Indian language interface costing Rs. 9000/- (US$ 140) My question, and I am discussing this with my students in class at the moment, What would a farmer do with a little computer that would tell him ≠ orally ≠ what the weather will be? They already get the weather forecast on the radio, so you don’t need a computer for that …

PR: Quite so …

GR: They also would get the current price of various goods and agricultural produces from the radio and via other media, and it costs them next to nothing, so now there is talk of databases and other information you could store and retrieve on a Simputer. What do you think? Have you actually heard ofthat Simputer?

PR: Yes, I have read about it, but I have not seriously delved in the question, so I’ll talk a bit generally. My first impression ≠ or rather, intuition ≠ is that the Simputer is a ‘solution’ that has been thought out by some technically minded people, together with some folks in the field of ‘development’, all of them with some preconceived idea about what I would call a closed perception of the situation (“help those poor farmers, now!”). So they embarked on developing a device with certain features which at best will be useful in a certain place and at a given time, but the whole concept looks to me non-evolutive, a dead-end. I mean you have a simplified version of a computer make 2001, and then? Looking at its price, then Rs. 9000/- in 2001 for sure looks cheap - you can’t get very much hardware for that money right now. But I’m fairly sure that within a few years, Rs. 9000/- will buy you a PC with a lot of features on it. This has been the trend up to now (it’s called “Moore’s law”), and I don’t see why it would change. Looking however, beyond the field of computers, or PCs as such, one notices that the advantages being bandied about Simputers are remarkably akin to those of mobile phones. Now I am under the definite impression -and I am not the only one ≠ that our electronic information & communication landscape which is now firmly associated with computers and the ‘wired’ Internet (i.e. connectivity via telephone landlines or cable) is moving fast towards a new platform which will be wireless and probably much more mobile-phone-based. (Already you’re seeing a shift from PCs to ‘laptops’ among the high-end users. A laptop is basically halfway a mobile phone, and with an ‘Ethernet card’, for purpose of data exchange, it is one). A mobile phone then is a much more credible alternative to a computer in terms of price, facilities, availability, and easiness of learning & use (‘usability’ in developers jargon). Another thing about the Simputer, is that, to me, it smacks very much of the user as a passive consumer in need of help and ‘guidance’. Farmers have been keeping tabs on prices and stocks and inputs from time immemorial, may be in ways not readily understandable to modern scientists (and hence ‘irrational’), but the nice thing is that they will be able to transfer these techniques very easily into the use of mobile phones, which are straightforward (voice) communication devices. And to top it all, Rs. 9000/- may look cheap for a computer, but that sum gets you the top of the range in terms of mobile phones - with a lot of extra features thrown into the bargain. To me, the Simputer sounds like a typical NGO/Development industry invention. Mobile phones, on the other hand, are an entirely business-driven, commercial development. Now you will be surprised to hear this from an activist, but here I think the market ≠ that infamous capitalist market ≠ ‘knows’ much better what the people really want than the politically correct ‘developers’!

GR: And the market would say ånoπ to the Simputer?

PR: Yes indeed. The market seems disinclined to get involved in the Simputer. But it is pushing mobiles ‘to the max’ ≠ just look at all these ads around you!

GR. As you said earlier, the case of the Simputer is quite complex. Frederick Norohna, a Goa based free-lance journalist and media activist, has put on the web an extensive report on the issue, emphasizing several interesting points. We cannot go into these now, but I would like to emphasize that oneπs attitude towards the Simputer is not and should not be a matter of optimism against pessimism. It should be possible to arrive at a reasonable view on the subject. For one, I still wonder what a farmer can do with a Simputerä But I would like to add that the simple fact of utilizing a Simputer may have a sort of åeducationalπ value for the farmers. That cannot be neglected.

GR: Now here I may branch out a little off our subject and go on with mobile phones and Japan, the country where mobiles really seem to take off as an alternative to PC-based Internet connectivity: I believe that four of five years ago the Japanese thought the future was the multivalent television monitor, which would double as server and do literally anything. Why do you think the Japanese now shift to mobile telephony?

PR: Well, you may want to ask a better expert than me on this one. Actually, I was not too conversant on what was going on in Japan. It seemed to me they were all (video-) game oriented over there, and were adverse to the Internet - Japanese e-mail addresses looked like a rarity (and were very complex to boot - you couldn’t remember them). I, and I think many people with and before me, became acutely aware of the Japanese net-scene with the phenomenal success of ‘i-mode’ (Internet on the mobile), and that happened at the moment that European telecoms were plunged into crisis - which is now becoming a rout ≠ precisely because they had banked like mad on the mobile-Internet ‘convergence’. For some kind of reasons, the Japanese took to i-mode as ducks to water, whereas the European equivalent, ‘WAP’, failed grievously. The ways of consumer learning and acceptance/rejection are intractable indeed, and ‘usability’ is a difficult concept to handle ≠ just ask Philips. That brings me back to the Simputer, also a polyvalent box that looks to me what Bruce Sterling, the ‘cyberpunk’ Sci-Fi author, and his group, call a ‘Dead Medium’. A stillborn device that embodied a brilliant idea and great technology ≠ I assume ≠ but in the end, i.e. in reality, got nowhere.

GR: Well, I think we may now shift back to the question that is apparently of central concern to you: what does the Internet mean to you, as an activist, as an intellectual, and as an academic?

PR: To me the Internet is first and foremost a community. Or may be better: a community tool. I hesitate to declare the Internet itself a community, though it has been theorized as such by some people, especially the French philosopher Pierre Levy, who even talks of it as a ‘world brain’ …

GR: But it is not simply a technology …

PR: Well, of course it is a technological thing. Even though I view it primarily in terms of community, I am careful not to cut of the technological aspect, which is very important, and which you need to understand as fully as possible ≠ and to respect ≠ if you want to make use of all the possibility of the Internet, and not be a passive consumer (‘couch potato’ ;-). This being said, the Internet is in my view a fantastic community platform, a modern age forum/agora, a space of freedom and of expression, even a place of (self-) realization. For all these reasons, the coming of the Internet has been a great blessing.

GR: … and it is not simply a tool either?

PR: No, or yes, it is, but not in the first place. Internet is an excellent instrument, a device for communication, for exchanges ≠ a tool of freedom. But for that I think you must first approach it in terms of community. We would lose a lot if we were to conceive the Internet simply as a convenience, a utility - just like the telephone.

GR: There seem to be quite some variation of opinion about what the (new) media are: a product, a technology, an institution, a tool or an instrument. Some people would see them primarily as a way to make propaganda, of religious, political, cultural or economic nature ≠ what make all these people interlinked in your opinion?

PR: Well about the new media, specifically the Internet, it is said that it is not a network, but a network of networks…

GR: Yes, but then we think of it in terms of a network of interconnected computers, but what about the Internet of people?

PR: That brings in mind the words of Stephen Wernery, the first ‘chairperson’ of the famous German hackers group, the ‘Chaos Computer Club’. He said, way back in the eighties: “the intelligence sits right in front of the keyboard, it does not reside behind the screen of the computer”. The intelligence is also the mind of the people to whom the signal will be transmitted thanks to machines and thereby reach many other minds, that is people, doing the same thing. In that sense the Internet is the first real ‘network of networks’ that we see on earth, because it links πcommonπ people together, and not only the rich and the powerful. That is why I think of it as ≠ pace Mr. Saddam Hussein ≠ ‘the mother of all networks’.

GR: Perhaps this suddenly lifts us to an almost metaphysical plane, but it does remind me of my student days in philosophy when we struggled to understand the concept of ‘relation’. Aristotle admitted that it was the most difficult of concepts because the relation is nowhere tangibly to be located - and that applies also to the Internet of the people.

PR: Makes me think of what Manuel Castells writes in the introduction of his latest book ‘The Internet Galaxy’: “the network is the message”.

GR: Isn’t that a plagiarism of McLuhan’s ‘the medium is the message”?

PR: I wouldn’t say plagiarism, but a jestful allusion it is for sure…

GR: You mean, Manuel Castells doesn’t mean it seriously?

PR: Mmm… it’s funny that you say this. I think he does mean it quite seriously in fact. I’ve always ‘suspected’ (suspected in a friendly way, because I like and respect him very much) Manuel Castells of harboring closet mystical or metaphysical thoughts ≠ who doesn’t by the way? But I ‘suspect’(!) that he would firmly deny this.

(NB: On retyping this I’d ‘suspect’ (there we go again!) the reader to feel there is quite a jump being made here, and that the question whether the network/the medium is the message or not is not seriously addressed, let alone answered. The intuitive leap consists in that I think ≠ or rather feel ≠ the (both) formula to have a very ‘profound’ and ‘transcendental’ meaning. I could be (very) wrong, of course)

GR: OK, I could see there is a message. But in what sense?

PR: In the sense of bonding, of establishing relationships that are not value-free, of sharing a commitment to certain causes. It is not ≠ not only, and to me, not even mainly ≠ about forging links that are purely instrumental to a particular purpose (e.g. an action, a publication, etc.). I have been through that sort of discussion at length in activist meetings; establishing meaningful linkages with groups and individual people is not easy. And maintaining them, even when there is no immediate objective to it, is where commitment (or lack of the same) shows. Many contacts in our time are on temporary benefit basis: I’ll be in relation with you as long as we have a common work to do, that is as long as suits my interests. I’ll snap these ties, i.e. let them vanish without remorse when you’re no longer useful (to me). That is a very ‘post-modern’ attitude, which, beside being phony, is also dangerous and self-defeating in the end.

GR: You might compare that to what Roman Jacobson has called a åphaticπ communication where the content of the exchange is of little importance in comparison with the aim of being in communion. It seems to me important to be reminded, by Jakobson or others, that communication can be engaged in for several different purposes. But the postmodern puts the emphasis on the instrumentality of communication. I some time feel that much of what we say has no particular content, it is communication for communication, that is, for communion. To get in touch and keep in touch is the final aim of communication.

PR: I completely agree with that. I had indeed vaguely heard of åphatic communicationπ, without giving very much thought to it, but yes, now I can see the point indeed. I think this type of communication is the basis on which my favorite groups, hackers, and people at independent media centers, operate.

GR: Let’s move now, if you don’t mind, to the aspect of responsibility.

PR: That’s fine, because what we were talking about very much leads us to that question anyway. It is an important matter, because in a certain sense we are still ‘alone’ in cyberspace. This was even more so a few years ago, and it prompted John Perry Barlow to write his famous “Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace”. There he stated that ‘the citizens of cyberspace’ had nothing to do anymore with the politics and politicians of the previous (‘old media’) epoch. Maybe somewhat hair-brained, but a very nice text all the same, even if we say like the Dutch: ‘the wish was apparently the mother of the idea”.

GR: Independence of and in Cyberspace is then a wishful thinking?

PR: Yes, but which ideals are not? Think of the fact that Jane Kirkpatrick, when she was the USA ambassador to the United Nations, declared that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was a “wish-list to Santa Claus”. I’ll buy such a ‘wishful thinking’ as reality to act upon any time!

GR: But where does responsibility come into this?

PR: Ah yes, I got diverted again…It’s all the fault of John Perry Barlow ;-) He also once somehow recycled the ‘John F. Kennedy question’: “Ask not what the Net is doing for you, ask yourself what πyouπ are doing for the Net.” The net brings a lot of advantages and opportunities to individuals and groups, so you may ask what they are doing in return. That is important in an age when commercial forces actually want us to do nothing, know nothing, leave it all to them, and behave like passive consumers. This is also the stance taken by the People’s Communication Charter, to which you also have collaborated: people, as users and consumers of media, of communication channels have rights ≠ of access, of freedom of expression, of respect, etc ≠ but with rights come also duties: fairness in the most general sense. The networks are not a neutral, merely technical infrastructure, they are also a common good, our ‘electronic commons’ as some have taken to call them, so we should ensure they remain open and in good shape (this is incidentally why genuine hackers take such a dim view of ‘Denial of Service’ attacks, even when they are for political motives, by so-called ‘hacktivists’) Another point is well expressed in the motto of one of my favorite outfits, the Antenna Foundation: “Information Exchange for Social Change”. That means that working with and in the field of information and communication is not a value free exercise. We are not shuffling data back and forth on the networks for no purpose. We want to achieve something with that activity, and for that we need to have a network architecture that permits it, now and in the future. The future envisaged by the ‘market’, the corporate world, which is steadily getting a greater say in cyberspace, and wants it all, is altogether different. As I said before, they want passive consumers, just like the infamous ‘couch potatoes’ of the advertisement-driven commercial television - the fresh word some jesters coined for it in the digital age is ‘cyberspuds’ … You can see this very clearly as ever more ‘bandwidth’ (network access capacity) is being deployed right up to ‘the box’ in the homes. It is remarkably one-directional. In the beginning days of computer-mediated communication, the incoming and outgoing bandwidth was small but equally apportioned. In the new dispensation, the former literally explodes while the latter augments only marginally. There is the joke that the idea ‘the industry’ has of interactivity is to deliver the use three options: ‘Enter’, ‘Exit’, and of course the most important one: ‘Buy’… Activists, responsible ‘netizens’ should never accept such models and must put pressure both on corporations and on governments to prevent them. And since that will most probably not work out, they should take matters in their own hands and set up their own networks. (Sometimes I am dreaming of the return of the BBSs, the Bulletin Board Systems of old, which were true electronic communities before the Internet all but swamped them over…) ‘Globalization’ is then of course the next concept that springs to mind. The opposition we see mounting against it all over the world is very often misrepresented in terms of a ‘anti-globalization movement’ (the Italian mass-media vignette is even starker: ‘no-global’). But it is much more correct to talk about a πcounterπ-globalization movement. Globalization is the best friend, and the aim of the multitudes (= all the diverse people) worldwide. Globalization from below, for and by the common people, is what mobilizes many energies, which are often channeled through the networks. In fact, nothing is so global as the resistance against corporate globalization, and that is exactly what governments and big business fear most.

GR: When we speak of globalization, and you have indicated that all we have discussed so far can be seen in the context of globalization, one thought comes to mind when speaking of the philosophical and spiritual response we see at every stage: the material world is very complex as it is, but then it seems that in the Internet we have a linkage that is both intangible and material and which permits a new form of connection among human beings, among communities, which I find extremely promising and exciting - but also rife with much more powerful ways of being ‘bad fathers’. So what would you say on that?

PR: The globalization of dissent has come as an effective response to the globalization of oppression and repression. And it appears that corporate globalization means the power, wealth, and opportunities in general, are going to be more concentrated than ever in fewer hands, in the North as well as in the South. A worldwide movement has now arisen against these developments and this happen to be carried in a large measure by the Internet. So the opposition against global capitalism turns out to make use of the very same new technologies of information and communication that are thought to represent the apex of the capitalist system - and its preserve. This realization has come as a very bad surprise to the powers that be, in government, and in corporate circles. Something ‘they’ thought was theirs, for them to use, and for them only, turns out to be used by their opponents on a big scale. Now this is one of the main reasons why I have become a new media activist: it works! But today, the menaces and threats are there. Manuel Castells has written that the networks operate in such a way as to include some people, the connected ones obviously, and exclude others, the disconnected. It is clear that the powers that be, under various pretexts, NYC 911 (the moniker for 11th of September 2001) being the latest and the most threatening, to curtail the Internet as a space of freedom (‘anarchy’ in their parlance) and exclude the opposition. So before you know the Internet is also dragged into ‘the war against terrorism’ and become a battleground, a space of war - the ‘infowar’. In most activist circles, the Internet is not seen as a weapon, at least not in the direct sense to attack the ‘capitalist enemy’ with it. But there has been a tendency among some to call for more ‘direct action’ than ‘mere’ information exchange and organizing protest over the Internet., and to use the networks to sabotage and disrupt ‘the capitalist system’ by engaging in “Distributed Denial of Services” attack (DDoS) for instance, blacking out or paralyzing websites and mail servers. Despite the name ‘hacktivism’ that advocates of such practices like to call them, true hackers, as I said earlier, a opposed to this misuse of the network and are concerned that this will provide a ready excuse (“cyberterrorists!”) to curtail and suppress the active use of the Internet by ‘unauthorized parties’ - you and me, basically. But may be more importantly, there is also a deep concern that ‘hacktivism’ - and other purportedly ‘radical’ approaches and usages of the Internet, betray an attitude that considers the Internet to be already a corporate thing, a capital and an infrastructure that belongs to ‘them’ rather than ‘to all of us’. Well, the funny thing is that this is not (yet!) the case. The Internet, despite all attempts, covert and overt, to ‘privatize’ it, still has no particular proprietor. So in my view, the struggle that is waged at this juncture is to keep that situation like that - for as long as possible. This is also our responsibility towards the networks, even if that sounds conservative and defensive, rather than ‘forward moving’. But that is because, in my view, seldom in the many instances and moments of history of the struggle of the people against oppression the multitudes had such a powerful instrument as the Internet at their disposal. Seldom have the prospects for empowerment and emancipation looked so good, at least in the ‘spiritual’ sphere, as with the current state and existence of the ‘new’ technologies of information and communication, and of the electronic networks in particular.

GR: Well, that makes for a nice conclusion. Thank you very much.

(edited version, Amsterdam, July 30, 2002)
(with many thanks to Gaston Roberge for his assistance)