RIP Johnny Nash. 😞 It’s all the rage on social media to claim you always knew and loved some artist’s work in all its depth and subtlety. Like, the world I grew up in definitely was not about Van Halen; I must have been asleep when pretty much everyone I know decided ’80s hair rock was actually really great. So RIP EVH too: in the last 24 hours I’ve learned more than I ever knew about him, and a some of it is tremendous — all respect. Now back to Nash. I know one and only one thing about him, “I Can See Clearly Now.” But that one song holds a very special place from when I was small: not so much for me as for someone very close, and it was perfectly cued, like a film soundtrack, for a turning point. And pretty much every time I’ve heard it since, it’s brought a glimmer of that moment back.