Here’s my morning Imma Up This Comment: /// I’m pretty sure that if/when people dig deep into all the Macedonian/Russian ‘fake news’ stories, they’ll find that it was a deliberate strategy by bad actors in the US to offshore the production of ‘fake news’ in order to place the ‘users’ doing the ‘generating’ beyond the effective reach of most relevant US laws. That kind of thinking smells like old-school GOP operative thinking: ‘Uber for the Roger Stone Posse.’ From the perspective of PTPL — People Like Peter Thiel — that strategy would be win-win-win: a key part of a building a transnational turbo-right noise-machine infrastructure, they could use it to ruin enemies with ruthless efficiency whereas their enemies can’t (exactly the kind of asymmetry they love), and it’ll punk their supposedly freedom-loving enemies into calling for crackdowns on their own strongest tools (for example, in the form of multilateral agreements that criminalize defamation and/or broadening categories like ‘terror’ to include ‘hate speech’ against ‘people’ like corporations). ///