To: nettime-l Subject: Re: tensions within the bay area elites From: t byfield Date: Thu, 15 May 2014 13:34:14 -0400

[email protected] (Thu 05/15/14 at 12:17 AM -0700):

These are corporations operating in a pseudo-Capitalist economic system, doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing. There is no such thing as evil in this context, only logical self-interest.

You either regulate their behavior, or they will always do what is natural. Evil has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Setting aside what others said about the origins of ‘evil’ in Google’s motto (which I guess is a sort of theodicy for the age of PR), this argument is pernicious in several ways. A corporation is just a legal construction. The matrix of laws that shape this construction have definite biases, but they don’t dictate that corporations must act in the most shortsighted, destructive ways. Instead, that force is delegated to owners, whether ‘private’ (ownership of the corporation is transacted on a more or less consensual basis) or ‘public’ (various forms of ownership are traded on exchanges) — which have radically different dynamics and results. So you can end up with companies like Halliburton or whatever Blackwater calls itself these days, whose combination of management and ownership seem to have a hard time with ethics; or — I’ll use the conventional US example to avoid an inane debate — Ben and Jerry’s. A pseudo-analysis that flattens all these distinctions on the grounds that they’re all just ‘corporations’ and therefore condemned to stop at nothing to extract maximum wealth is wrong. It doesn’t accurately describe the law, market forces, or the plainly obvious fact that there’s a difference between a smallholder organic farm and Rio Tinto.

Worse, that kind of cynicism completely excludes any basis for trying to understand high-level conflicts that really matter, like investor- state dispute settlement mechanisms. In a nutshell, ISDS is a technique for using international treaties to supersede ‘local’ laws — say, environment or public-interest laws — that limit corporations’ ability to extract and expatriate profit. They’re called ‘dispute settlement’ because they would create new mechanisms for settling these disputes by vacating those laws and paying financial penalties. If your argument was right, these kinds of provisions wouldn’t be necessary; but the aggressive push to introduce ISDS provisions into secretly negotiated multilateral trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) clearly means some interests want them very badly. Those interests aren’t simply corporate; on the contrary, some nations (like the US) are pushing hard for them because, from a policy standpoint, it’s easier to insist on legal regimes that tolerate no exceptions than it is to quibble over an endless stream of ad-hoc, sui generis details about this or that industry, crop, etc. So your assertion that ‘you either regulate their behavior, or they will always do what is natural’ misses another key dynamic on another — crucial — level.

These insane attempts to distinguish one corporation from another, and ascribe to them personalities with ethical traits, is one of the saddest manifestations of mental illness I have ever seen.

No. Here’s a thought experiment. Pick two people from your family, one of whom you love and respect dearly, and the other you know to be a nasty, rapacious jerk. Drop them in some Smithian paradise where each one starts a company, including going to a lawyer an filing the documents needed to start a ‘corporation.’ Both do well — one by rewarding good ideas, hard work, and smart choices, the other by hiring borderline sociopaths who screw everyone they can in every way they can imagine. Now scale that up. You’re going to say that the mere fact that they filed some paperwork and checked a few boxes on some tax forms means there’s no difference?

Personally, I think the theory that corporations are the equivalent of a person under the law has gone way too far, and in peculiar and perverse ways. But, that aside, they very definitely have personalities — and the sooner we develop critical frameworks for understanding how that works and what it means, the better. I think that’s what Geert was after, not some tiring argument about whether — wrap every one of these words in scare quotes — Google is really good or Facebook is really evil.

Cheers, T