If we were placing bets on which candidate is more likely to precipitate a nuclear exchange — and we need to ask questions like that — my money would be on HRC not Trump (the Pentagon would just ignore him). If HRC had won in ‘08 her tendency would have been to ‘confront’ Iran over its nuclear program and, when in doubt, to escalate. Fortunately, Obama won: he overturned almost forty years of ginned-up hostility, and the result was the nuclear treaty. Iran is three times the size of Iraq and half the size of India, and it shares borders with Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and (technically) Russia, among others. US attacks would have been a ridiculous and tragic failure; but even if they could have ‘succeeded,’ what would the result be? Decades of ferocious antagonism? ‘Regime change’ like in Iraq or Libya? Huge quantities of nuclear materials going missing? It’s impossible to conceive of how much misery would flow from US attacks. Now watch this video.