To: nettime-l
[from NTKnow (07/11/97), “the weekly high-tech sarcastic update for the UK”; for more info.]
You’re NICed, my sahn! EUGENE KASHPUREFF, founder of AlterNIC and brave freedom-fighter against the NETWORK SOLUTIONS conspiracy (along with a bunch of other kooks) was picked up by the Canadian Mounties and thrown in prison on Monday, to await possible extradition to the US. Back in July, Kashpureff exploited a flaw in the BIND DNS software to hijack visitors to Network Solution’s and re-direct them to his own site - a protest against NSI’s monopoly on domain name registration. At the time, Kashpureff predicted becoming “a bigger martyr than Phil Zimmermann”. Hardly up there with the Beatles >= Christ mapping, and we don’t recall Zimmermann doing a runner across the border when the Feds closed in - but it looks like he’s got his wish. The FBI now plan to nab him on federal wire and computer fraud charges - oh, and unlawful possession of a suspicious Russian-sounding name.
- hey, kids! You too can be a martyr (requires BIND 4.9.5)
[heh]→ of poignant
“It was in the nineteenth century that each person began to have the right to his little box for his little personal decomposition.” —M. Foucault