This is huge. Here’s the US Trade Rep mocking big biz’s position on ISDS: “‘We want to make decisions and have markets decide. But! We would like to have political risk insurance paid for by the United States’ government.’ And to me that’s absurd. You either are in the market, or you’re not in the market.” It’s typical for one of Trump’s assembled nincompoops to fail to understand how a decisive technical issue fits into a larger framework, but his ‘common-sense’ observation cuts directly to the hypocrisy in how megacorps are trying to use multilateral agreements to restructure their relationship to national governments. Basically, he’s saying “If you privatize the profits from transnational arrangements, you’ll have to privatize the losses too BECAUSE MARKET.” By extension: if there’s another 2008-style meltdown under Trump, TBTFs will go down — because, through a combination of short-sightedness and pig-headedness, his administration won’t be able to move fast or flexibly enough to bail them out.