The headline overstates it, as they do. “I have to see. Look, you — I have to see. No, I’m not going to just say ‘yes.’ I’m not going to say ‘no.’ And I didn’t last time, either.” That’s hardly a resounding NO, but the thrust is: if [Trump] wins he won’t “have to see,” but if he loses he’ll “see.” That doesn’t mean do good-faith due diligence, it means “I’ll reject a loss if I think I can get away with it.” He won’t flatly repudiate the results; instead, as he does, he’ll file a blizzard of half-assed lawsuits to drag the process out, and when he loses he’ll file new one with different arguments. And, all the while, convince himself and his cult ever-more deeply that he ‘really’ won. So my question is which professional force would step up and say “no, you lost, and now you’ll leave”? Doing so would be seen by alarmingly close to half the population as a straight-up coup, and would place everyone involved and their families in the gravest danger.