Upping a comment I made on a post about Boris Johnson, but it equally applies to Trump:
The usual criticisms of BoJo and his ilk — that’s they’re lazy, unserious, incompetent, etc — hinge on negation: it’s not that they’re doing evil, it’s that they aren’t doing good things. This makes it almost impossible to build the discourses that we need to put things to right, by accurately describing what they are doing: pursuing knowingly, deliberately murderous policies that are laying waste to the traditional, and still absolutely reasonable, measures of a nation, the health and wealth of its citizens. If Bojo said “I intend to pursue policies that will sicken 3 million and kill nearly 50,000 citizens” — which is exactly what he’s done — he wouldn’t have to wait for “future historians” to render a moral verdict because he’d be on trial and headed for freshly erected gallows. But he’s never been pressed to say such a thing bluntly because this reliance on negation subverts that line of questioning at every point.