I’ll up this from my comment on Bruce Schneier telling Congress to clamp down on the Things of Internet (#ToI): // [TJ], do you mean you don’t see where he’s going with this? I do. On balance, I’ve thought of Schneier as a good guy, but these compsec people are often pretty myopic. The problem isn’t that they don’t know they’re nearsighted, it’s that they think they do know that the world out there really is a blur. I think that in this case Schneier might be like one of those cartoon characters who runs off a cliff but doesn’t fall until he realizes what he’s done — which, as [SK] said, is something like justifying and legitimizing a Department of the Internet. He’s been saying this kind of stuff for years and years, but the situation changed overnight. His appearance was almost certainly scheduled before the election, so his choice was either (a) suddenly cancel — say, because he needed to alphabetize his spice rack — and let someone else talk, or (b) show up and say the same thing to a very different audience. We’ll see lots of people making this mistake. You know, it really is easier to cook when your spices are neatly arranged… /// Let it be a lesson for all of us.