To: Nettime-l
Subject: Re:
Keith Hart (Wed 07/03/13 at 09:57 AM +0200):
This observation does not undermine Brian’s or Marko’s, but the perspective oif comparative law amplified to tak ein broader cultural practices might lend some precision to what we expect when private and public law meet.
Wolfgang Schivelbusch’s Disenchanted Night traces an analogous distinction very nicely through — literally — light. French streetlights were suspended over the center of the street illuminating all by grace of the king, whereas the tawdry Brits delegated lighting to shopkeepers — who melded new technologies of light with the more primitive tradition of suspending whatever object they were flogging. Voila: modern commercial signage. It’s well worth thinking about the kinds of sovereignty that these ‘internets of things’ are giving rise to.
But back to Snowden etc.
I’ve found it harder and harder to navigate between, on the one hand, a principled stance toward issues like ‘privacy’ and ‘surveillance’ and, on the other, the need to adapt how I apply those principles to boggling changes in ‘communications’ — which in many ways is a technocratic cartoon of sociability, which itself is a mirror of subjectivity. That latinate language masks aspects of life that couldn’t be more concrete: what we share of ourselves, how and when and where and why and with whom, and what others share with us — flows and eddies without which many of us would go mad surprisingly quickly.
I don’t think it’s safe, wise, or shrewd to rely on nostalgic assumptions about the boundaries of the self. Those models are deeply intertwined with normative assumptions that, in other contexts, we’re trying to leave behind. A useful case in point is ‘homosexuality,’ which only a few years ago could be used as a tool par excellence for blackmail (a view that was specifically carved in the stone of official state policies). Now the situation has changed. My dearly departed friend David Rakoff used to joke that he couldn’t possibly come out to his parents because he was afraid his father would come out too; but that isn’t really a joke anymore. The freeing of gender worldwide, which is a profound form of liberation, is just one facet of the reconstruction of the boundaries between public and private, societies and selves.
I think ‘surveillance’ itself is a deeply reactionary category. I’m not at all naive about the concrete consequences that can be assigned to differentials in who knows what about individuals and groups. Only recently have these consequences been framed in terms of individuals or joy; more often, they were (and are) matters of life and death — and not just for individuals. (This is how and why the disappeared exert such a powerful force: their absence becomes an ongoing presence, a ghost, a threat.)
The hysteria that the watchers feel is very real, and when they speak of ‘firehoses’ or ‘tidal waves,’ they mean it. But their problem isn’t just the x>exponential quantitative growth in ‘information,’ it’s the qualitative changes that are shaking their markets — the meaning of information, its valence and impact. They know in their dark institutional heart of hearts that we’re heading into some kind of endgame. It won’t be long before the spies confront someone with some ‘damning’ revelation only to find that s/he says, “Talk to my agent” — because some other media conglomerate will make a much better offer than merely refraining for a time from destroying his or her life or whatever.
Way too many of these debates orbit around axes that haven’t made much conceptual progress since, say, the DKs put out their “Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death” album in ’87 — a few years before the depths of certain Stasi archives were revealed to be too abysmal ever to reveal.
It’s clearer every day that we need deeply principled ways of thinking about the metastasizing of the state, and that those principled ways need to be organically tied to action. And it’s for that very reason that I mistrust so many of the arguments made against ‘surveillance.’ The idea is too much of a ‘construct,’ it’s too deeply embedded in the architectural and conceptual stasis — the tragic elegance, if you like — of the panopticon. We need a response that’s more comic than tragic.
Cheers, T