To: nettime Subject: FW: Stolen Poetry From: t byfield Date: Sat, 6 Jan 1996 13:31:46 -0500

From: [email protected] To: XXX Subject: FW: Stolen Poetry Date: Thu, 4 Jan 1996 21:25:54 -0800 Reply-To: [email protected]

From: Mike B

So, I wrote a book called “The Revolutionary Guide to Win32 Programming with Visual C++”. It turns out that someone who bought it had a wife who got an assignment at school to write a poem based on clippings of someone else’s words… like one of those Magnetic Poetry Kits you can buy.

This technique has a name — a French word, I think — but I can’t remember it. (Maybe it’s how you would say “Found Art” or “Found Poems” if you were speaking only French.)

But since this guy had my book lying about, his wife picked it to get the phrases to write her poems. This fellow wrote to me and here are the poems that his wife put together from words out of my book. I think they’re great. You can tell the words (even the titles!) were ripped out of a book on programming, but she glued them together to make them bigger than that.

.B ekiM

Sharon Wyse Found poems July 17, 1995

I. Tools Designed to Help Us

When you’re not sure, simply accepting calls will draw attention to your endless internal routine. I would try to clean things up. You’ll need to understand you can do so, depending on the pertinent inquiry.

Because you are not sure, icons can be used — you’ll find some construct that needs help. Some will show up surrounded by temperatures and pressures, shapes or patterns that contain wild cards. In theory, expressions aren’t damaged if someone else is ready and willing to help us out.

You will be allowed to gain access to them. You will probably be able to find information. You won’t be allowed to drop out of sight. You won’t be able to even begin to focus on exactly what isn’t allowed. You can’t request it: These settings are global.

If you are interested in changing, this is really just background. The outline of calls or inheritance — pipes going in and out — ends by disconnecting anything that was started.

Memory is a more appropriate choice. It knows when its useful life has finished — heat exchanges someplace, maybe deep inside — created, manipulated, and then discarded.

II. Simple Closed or Open Shapes

I bought everything. This means that you can get by with less, you are at ease, you need do nothing.

Phrases chosen from “The Revolutionary Guide to WIN32 Programming Using Visual C++” by Mike Blaszczak (Wrox Press Ltd., 1995).