This morning’s Imma Up This, from a comment on someone noting that people who use FB for periodic self-promotion are like guests who show up at a dinner party, hand out their cards, then leave. ///nettime is pretty moribund and insular at this point, but even so it’s lasted for 20+ years, which means it’s one of the hoariest mailing lists on the net. A few informal guidelines have helped, and the main one was to reject overly programmatic mail — in particular, flagrant self-promotion. It’s easy to see this problem in interiorized terms (guilt and bad manners OT1H, guilt and impatience OT0H), but it’s also a structural problem: how people relate to or integrate resources on the net. You use the metaphor of a dinner party, but FB has become so overwhelmingly dominant that it’s the net.equiv of hanging out at the food court in the mall. Everything else has become insular by comparison, a more or less posh cafe, bar, or more likely 7-11 parking lot. This dank analogy is helpful, because the behavior you’re objecting to isn’t high/low it’s low/lower/lowest: bros cruising by and inviting your pals to ‘party.’ And what you’re saying is they should hang out and have a cinnabon or giant pretzel. ///