To: nettime-l Subject: usenet faq and a rant about handedness From: t byfield Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 13:42:45 -0400

a short but interesting FAQ on the early history of usenet (‘USENET: The Great Renaming, 1985-1988’) by Lee Bumgarner:

<> \[*dead link*]

in particular, it deals with the origin of the hierarchies (net.* [unmoderated], mod.* [moderated]. and fa.* [ARPAnet), which provides an interesting counterpoint to the debates about domain name architecture, for the obvious reason that the taxonomic structures are quite similar--with one subtle but absolutely crucial difference: they’re mirror images of each other. newsgroup nomenclature becomes more specific from left to right (alt.conspiracy.usenet-cabal), hostnames become more specific from right to left ( if you think that’s a joke, try reading this:

tenesu fo yrotsih ylrae eht no QAF gnitseretni tub trohs a :renragmuB eeL yb (‘8891-5891 ,gnimaneR taerG ehT :TENESU’)


seihcrareih eht fo nigiro eht htiw slaed ti ,ralucitrap ni ,(tenAPRA[ *.af dna .[detaredom[ *.dom ,[detaredomnu[ *.ten) setabed eht ot tniopretnuoc gnitseretni na sedivorp hcihw taht nosaer suoivbo eht rof ,erutcetihcra eman niamod tuoba eltbus eno htiw--ralimis etiuq era serutcurts cimonoxat eht fo segami rorrim er’yeht :ecnereffid laicurc yletulosba tub cificeps erom semoceb erutalcnemon puorgswen .rehto hcae semantsoh ,(labac-tenesu.ycaripsnoc.tla) thgir ot tfel morf fi .(ln.ksed.sisab) tfel ot thgir morf cificps erom emoceb :siht gnidaer yrt ,ekoj a s’taht kniht uoy

‘handedness’--the directional bias in perception and manipula- tion--bisects all of culture: organic chemistry, industrial design (consumer electronic interfaces), sociability (table manners, physical greetings), impersonal ‘personal’ habits (knots, belts, buttons), moral and political discourses, etc., etc. pick any taxonomic chart you want: unless it explicitly incorporates a temporal narrative that overrides the other content, it will place simplicity on the left and/or top and complexity on the right and/or bottom.

if domain names had been reversed (e.g., nl.desk.basis), the debates would have been explicitly correlated with debates about usenet’s structure. the result would have been very different, i think--there wouldn’t have been much talk about ‘scarcity.’ but the contrary arrangement of hostnames, which places general classifications on the right and increasing specificity on the left, runs completely counter to the logic of western poetics.

oh well.

cheers, t