One of the most prominent “legal” thinkers in the US says he hopes Epstein’s sex tapes involving underage girls are “all revealed” because that would exonerate him. IOW he’d lay waste to dozens of younger people’s lives to prop up his decrepit reputation. He knows, of course, that revealing any such tapes would be beyond the pale and will never happen, so — surprise! — this is empty rhetoric. But his jaw-dropping disregard for the girls-turned-women does reveal his priorities. And they’re same kinds of priorities you’d expect from a person who’d exploit everything Epstein had on offer to the hilt, as it were. The fact that Dershowitz is broadcasting this now, when Ghislaine Maxwell is no doubt discussing her future with prosecutors, says — to my ear, at least — that he’s preparing for the worst. So, basically, it’s an admission of guilt. But we sorta knew that, didn’t we?