For everyone who isn’t a member of the trolley problem memes group: “Too often, trolley problem memes present existence in terms of a bleak, tragic, dehistoricized worldview. This is particularly ironic, given the historical specificity of the trolley as a technology. In the meme, I will show how the trolley problem can also be understood in more lapidary, pluralist ways. By incorporating other, more explicit historical ‘layers’ that reference a variety of media (e.g., the Teletubbies sun-baby and the default Windows 95 desktop, I demonstrate that the trolley problem meme can also be understood as carnivalesque, as articulated by the Soviet literary historian-theorist Mikhail Bakhtin. Invoking these figures serves to emphasize excess: the rich informatic potential of computation, envisioned as a lush yet neatly groomed landscape, on the one hand, and a radiant image of youthful joy, on the other.”