[cropped screenshot of a printed page that says]

can university campus, I observe the following oddity: on the one hand, students of literature are initiated into the mysteries of French-style “deconstruction,” taught to celebrate the death of the human subject and to repeat ad nauseam that man is not his own master and that such awareness as he may have of his own affairs is severely limited by a sort of tyranny of the unconscious; while at the same time their fellow students in the economic, political, and cognitive sciences learn to systematically reduce social institutions to voluntary agreements between fully conscious and free individuals. It is fortunate for the stability of the system that these students practically never talk to each other — no more often, in fact, than do their professors.

[from Jean-Pierre Dupuy’s [On the Origins of Cognitive Science: The Mechanization of the Mind](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=da8c4756dfedf56b&hl=en&q=inauthor: “tb”%22Jean-Pierre+Dupuy%22&tbm=bks) (2009)]