This is really worth reading. I know too many people who speak with utter contempt for evangelical Christianity (EC). They wouldn’t dare use the same tone or terms for any religious belief but slagging off evangelicals is A-OK. Why? Because it’s so deeply intertwined with movement Conservatism. So, really, the issue isn’t so much the religious beliefs, it’s how they’ve been mobilized to serve a regressive political project. But the claims of televangelists and political operatives notwithstanding, EC isn’t monolithic, which means that there are lots of ECs scattered around who question aspects of those politics. Progressives and leftists need them, and more, many more of them — and sooner than later. So, if you’re one of those people who might say things about ECs that you wouldn’t say about, say, Jews, Muslims, or Catholics, please think twice. This scientist’s argument is a very (dare I say it?) graceful way of nudging EC in a direction that’s better for all. And this kind of thing is happening around every major flashpoint in US politics: gender identity, immigration, taxation and fiscal policy. Judging people en masse of hypocrisy is social media at its worst; it only takes a little more effort to point out apparent contradictions.