ted byfield
Dark mode
Light mode
2025-03-13 this is not an an attack on science
2025-03-13 relic of a simpler time
2025-03-12 Trump, Canada, and real resistance
25-03-09 Trump, higher ed, and Judaism
2503-09 elite capitulation and popular resistance
2025-03-09 columbia vs feds timeline
2025-03-05 swasticar flyer
2025-03-04 an offer edus can’t refuse
2025-02-26 Niemöller for today
2025-02-25 how NIH cuts will defund edus
2025-02-12 maybe too prophetic
2025-02-10 a handful of emoji
2025-02-09 alphabetical art
2025-02-08 what keeps mankind alive
2025-02-06 ringling bothers (no, that’s not a typo)
25 02 05 the prompt
2025-02-02 the liberal denialist complex
2025-01-30 on bsky and mastodon
2025-01-30 but never a thing that simply is
2025-01-29 the reign of terror — Heritage style
2025-01-25 found novel
2025-01-24 outsider art and sharing
2025-01-24 on internettisms and Elon
2025-01-18 why no one can quite capture what David Lynch did
2025-01-18 tangled literary histories
2025-01-16 Schrodinger’s razor
2025-01-15 hi-def history
2025-01-12 Trump and Greenland - a timeline
2025-01-11 Thielology
2025-01-07 Facebook faces the factlessness
2025-01-06 chindogu and turing machines
2025-01-05 Richard Foreman RIP
2025-01-04 user generated Brechtian distancing
2025-01-03 free art and technology
2024-12-31 statistics and patriarchy
2024-12-30 Whipped Cream and Other Delights
2024-12-30 devolution of the Journal of Human Evolution
2024-12-30 &&&
2024-12-13 recorded poetry then and now
2024-12-13 Don Martin jazz covers
2024-12-05 preemptive pardons
2024-12-04 genocide vs ethnic cleansing
2024-12-04 DeSantis and the DoD
2024-11-27 just say no to Santayana
2024-11-27 escaping criticism
2024-11-27 all creatures terrible and fabulous
2024-11-26 the second greatest footnote ever
20240 04 11 corinna snyder rip
2021-03-18 on NFTs
2021-03-14 recent visual mutations
2021-01-25 on de supremacizing
2020-09-01 is this even an election really
2020-06-04 rightist signification
2020-03-27 michael sorkin rip
2019-10-31 twitter typing bug
2019-05-29 choirs were always virtual
2019-04-29 on NYC telecom monoliths
2019-04-12 assange wikileaks
2019-04-11 assange live
2019-03-30 on the history of complexity
2019-03-26 on aviation a reply to brian holmes
2019-03-23 abstraction and labor
2019-03-18 plane crashes in theory and practice
2019-01-28 on sortition
2018-12-30 on scaling
2018-10-16 opinion polling
2018-07-13 shadow libraries in the washington post
2018-04-05 memes mushrooms and walter benjamin
2018-01-01 dual use tech
2017-12-31 btc and austrian theory
2017-12-28 whence and whither btc
2017-11-26 critical corporate studies
2017-10-04 on micro generations
2017-06-18 can the left meme
2016-11-18 europeans on americans and trump
2016-05-25 on stylometry
2016-04-07 on responsible data
2016-04-06 on the panama papers a reply to patrice riemens
2015-09-25 thoughts on the vw scandal
2014-10-16 morozov medina and the new yorker
2014-05-15 can corporations be good or evil
2014-05-13 on delanda war in the age of intelligent machines a reply to brian holmes
2014-02-16 on conjunctural analysis
2013-07-03 on the need to rethink privacy and surveillance
2013-03-24 on the impact of desktop publishing
2012-07-19 guns and history a reply to keith sanborn
2011-11-23 on student debt
2011-07-24 to on aaron swartz jstor and mit a reply to david golumbia
2011-07-24 on david golumbia leaving the list
2011-05-30 on the rapture
2011-05-22 unabomber critique of conference fees
2011-02-25 on student debt
2010-12-07 on cryptome and how the net has changed
2010-02-22 do the f what you want license
2010-01-13 google new approach to china
2009-11-18 on phil agre
2008-12-04 on the history of rightist terror in the us 2
2008-12-04 on the history of rightist terror in the us 1
2008-09-20 on financial and governance crises
2008-07-14 dj spooky on stanislaw lem
2008-05-20 steve cisler rip
2007-12-27 on the semantic web and taxonomies
2007-02-17 bird flu and intellectual property
2004-10-02 on polling and cellphones
2003-12-27 semantic web for beginners
2003-10-06 on american anti intellectualism
2003-05-18 sars the economy and hiv
2003-03-29 on geert lovink dark fibre
2003-01-19 on the prehistory of rhizome
2002-09-28 patrice riemens and gaston roberge
2002-07-24 on wtc redevelopment
2002-03-27 on intellectual property and indigenous sovereignty
2001-09-15 nyc media post 911
2001-06-27 dark fiber under and over supply a reply to michael gurstein
2001-03-16 on defense shields a reply to pit schultz
2001-03-14 on defense shields a reply to jordan crandall
2001-02-16 on dejanews and usenet archives a reply to drazen pantic
2001-02-14 on dejanews and usenet archives a reply to geert lovink
2001-02-07 on spam and scaling
2000-10-08 on streaming participation and history
2000-10-03 on isoc and icann
2000-09-28 on bablefish and machine translation
2000-09-19 on moderation and kosov@
2000-07-25 on kings pipes and icann
2000-07-25 are mp3s theft
2000-06-14 on photocopying a reply to wark 3
2000-06-13 on photocopying a reply to wark 2
2000-06-12 on photocopying a reply to wark 1
2000-05-18 richard delgado imperial scholar
2000-05-15 on nettime histories and archives
2000-05-11 reply to bruce perens
2000-03-31 interview with a search engine
2000-03-22 .ps for palestine
2000-03-10 icann compilation
1999-12-28 dvd css analysis and comments
1999-12-23 on various leonardos
1999-12-12 on etoys market cap reply to declan mccullagh
1999-11-27 kids today
1999-11-10 on the cybersquatting bill
1999-10-21 on jam echelon day and nsa keywords
1999-10-08 on bezroukov on esr
1999-09-29 on icann a reply to ronda hauben
1999-09-22 yucca as investor
1999-09-18 schneier cryptogram and comments
1999-04-23 NYT no obits today
1999-04-17 some thoughts on war and language
1999-04-13 dns and handedness
1999-04-07 grundmann a letter from amsterdam
1999-04-04 on genocide in kosov@
1999-02-28 cybersitter filter list
1999-02-24 MIT hostnames
1998-03-30 on scamizdat anon.penet.fi
1998-03-29 esr cathedral and the bazaar
1998-03-14 four allegories
1998-03-08 on adaweb demise
1998-03-07 reply to keith sanborn
1998-03-02 europanto five year plan
1998-02-05 on barbrook and dery
1997-12-02 on richard barbrook and luther blissett
1997-11-09 eugene kashpureff jailed
1997-08-17 on namespace and art
1997-08-07 on punctuation a reply to josephine bosma
1997-07-12 MOMA and net art
1997-06-05 post structuralism a reply to stahlman
1997-06-03 another reply to jp barlow
1997-06-02 on revolution a reply to richard barbrook
1997-05-27 a reply to jp barlow
1997-04-06 on jim bell and more
1997-03-20 Europanto
1997-03-02 on world wealth a reply jesse hirsh
1997-02-12 a reply to cook and gonggrijp
1997-01-06 nonlinearity a reply to hari kunzru
1996-09-25 on pkd and gnosticism a reply to erik davis
1996-07-29 net commercialization
1996-03-22 three questions about nettime
1996-02-19 a reply to jp barlow
1996-01-06 forward stolen poetry
1995-12-27 art r us
2024-11-24 crime is the new governance
2024-09-29 on wackiness
2024-09-29 on liberal denialism
2024-09-29 dot map
2024-09-27 salt life decals
2024-09-25 supreme ambition
2024-09-25 de keersmaekers style
2024-09-25 chronic onlinification of the right
2024-09-25 chris markers cat
2024-09-21 on our changing sense of color
2024-09-19 on gigantic golden scisssors
2024-09-18 what if ai isnt so new
2024-09-18 on the sublime
2024-09-16 godwins non law
2024-09-14 how maga orders adjectives
2024-09-13 national simulations
2024-09-11 nyt fact check
2024-09-11 future historians undecided voters
2024-09-11 fox entertainment
2024-09-11 ecocide
2024-09-09 on engoron on the constituents of emptiness
2024-09-07 on submarine cables moving
2024-09-03 on pierre cardin
2024-09-02 neologism progwashing
2024-09-02 hopkins on krakatoa
2024-08-31 the age of limited liability
2024-08-31 on the sacred
2024-08-28 artificial holzer
2024-08-27 two toynbees
2024-08-24 the left is not prepared for this
2024-08-23 illustration and computation
2024-08-22 17th c conceptual art
2024-08-20 phil donahue rip
2024-08-20 gramsci stats overflow
2024-08-19 third parties and doing good
2024-08-18 so many new moons
2024-08-10 on ethics and robotics
2023-08-29 manic pixie ai critics
2023-06-06 icloud is full
2023-05-09 leave no author behind
2023-03-11 NYT’s five stages of acceptance
2022-09-23 french theory american reception
2022-09-11 scalar model
2021-05-10-one of those sentences
2021-08-6 eery and eerily
2021-08-04 more than just an acknowledgment
2021-08-02 reading The Fifth Risk
2021-07-31 the post-chaos aesthetic
2021-07-29 acab and police subjectivity
2021-07-24 Dan Doctoroff’s moral anticompass
2021-07-20 economics as ur-discipline NOT
2021-07-18 potato colors
2021-07-08 mfx for metaphysical fx
2021-07-08 how Deleuze and Guattari co-wrote
2021-07-08 bonesaw mcguffin
2021-07-06 everything
2021-07-02 nice to be acknowledged
2021-06-29 how time changes
2021-06-29 a libertarian monument
2021-06-26 third world country in a gucci belt
2021-06-23 is it ecocide if you didnt know it
2021-06-20 a monopoly on legitimate anonymity
2021-06-13 please dont communicate with the aliens
2021-06-05 nonviolence is like relying on fossil fuels
2021-06-04 catsup nostalgia
2021-05-31 low bar
2021-05-24 the silence of the sheepskins
2021-05-23 hallelujah maybe
2021-05-23 every ice cube is unique
2021-05-21 were designed for fascism
2021-05-20 justice is cynical
2021-05-19 persuasion coercion and the supreme court
2021-05-17 too crude for culture
2021-05-17 lots of lacks
2021-05-16 explicar deleuze ahora mismo
2021-05-13 cvs abc
2021-05-12 sextuple negation
2021-05-12 multilevel negation
2021-05-11 misogyny and local coverage
2021-05-10 popping filter bubbles
2021-05-09 wysiwyg
2021-05-08 it was then i saw the future
2021-04-27 the end of the op ed
2021-04-23 on green new dealism
2021-04-23 Interview with Nabil Ahmed
2021-04-18 obit for a real-life Le Carre character
2021-04-12 why privatize now
2021-04-05 WHY? WHY?! WHY?!?!
2021-04-03 structural aholes
2021-03-29 passing randalorian litmus tests
2021-03-25 mcmansion forensics
2021-03-24 geoengineering is incompatible with democracies
2021-03-23 hard to argue with a camellia
2021-03-22 krispy kreme vakzines
2021-03-21 lo ottens cassette tape inventor rip
2021-03-17 may have been targeted
2021-03-12 relying on judicial review was always a dead end
2021-03-10 the moruroa files
2021-03-09 your computer is on fire
2021-03-08 6666
2021-03-05 freak power graphics
2021-03-04 mass murderer motives
2021-03-02 the south african dream
2021-03-02 the avalanches
2021-03-02 on visual thinking
2021-02-21 overrated dataviz
2021-02-20 geomagnetic disruption
2021-02-19 practical participatory budgeting
2021-02-19 french culture wars
2021-02-18 snow melting experts
2021-02-16 names for j6ers
2021-01-31 dimensional memeography
2021-01-31 a theoretician to the end
2021-01-30 actually you can make it up
2021-01-29 critical qualitative detail
2021-01-27 we want it now
2021-01-23 bernie memes
2021-01-20 david bowie as decolonial theorist
2021-01-13 you just cant quit microsoft
2021-01-12 the jk defense
2021-01-12 how to stop a trump
2021-01-12 finally
2021-01-12 anti antifa
2021-01-11 new meme format
2021-01-06 stacey abrams hero
2021-04-26 nfts yawn stretch
2021-04-23 foreign policy and climate change
2021-04-18 harriet scott rip
2021-04-15 on william gaddis
2021-04-14 worlds leading expert on wheel well stowaways
2021-04-03 nyc is never coming back because it never left
2021-04-01 nyc is constantly getting lost
2021-03-23 we can and must trace pollution
2020-12-30 mdc
2020-12-20 the whatever aesthetic
2020-12-19 on the turkish pseudo coup and zeynep tufekci
2020-12-10 how to break up facebook
2020-12-09 noitaicnunna
2020-12-07 nyc businesses and landlords
2020-12-07 autonomous zone sorta
2020-11-26 all i want
2020-11-23 not really a crisis anymore
2020-11-20 at the intersection of
2020-11-17 on fox news and the electoral college
2020-11-15 pr as an evolutionary strategy
2020-11-15 on zeynep tufekcis approach
2020-11-15 more on zeynep tufekcis approach
2020-11-11 arendtsplaining and coupsplaining
2020-11-10 such considerate leaders
2020-11-09 on trump and nuclear control
2020-11-09 on biden and harris
2020-11-07 johnny nash rip
2020-11-02 glossy structuralism
2020-11-02 facial tattoos and diplomacy
2020-11-02 dont quit your day job
2020-11-01 always make new expert mistakes
2020-10-31 in as much as
2020-10-30 what we can learn from turkey
2020-10-28 slow experts fast events
2020-10-22 google deleuzians
2020-10-16 dancing your way to solvency
2020-10-13 anti protest curricula
2020-10-04 mandemic
2020-09-28 which part of the ballot was stolen
2020-09-26 crazy piranesi
2020-09-22 og bank robbers
2020-09-11 choose your own reality tv timeline
2020-09-05 enjoy it at your own risk
2020-09-02 what we call armed people
2020-08-16 performative editing
2020-08-16 how edus handle covid
2020-08-07 the sudden-not-sudden switch to a virtual semester
2020-08-07 student advising
2020-08-06 on the beirut explosion
2020-08-06 elite negligence as war crime
2020-08-05 waiving accreditation and covid
2020-08-05 VA schools learn/unlearn from covid
2020-08-01 open universities
2020-08-01 constitutional phun
2020-07-31 comma of course comma
2020-07-25 the solution to outrage is more outrage
2020-07-25 text spamming and trump
2020-07-25 outrage cycles
2020-07-24 faculty need to organize
2020-07-24 big boxes and masks
2020-07-23 covid and architecture
2020-07-22 what wont you stand for
2020-07-22 premature antifascists
2020-07-20 on southern crackers
2020-07-20 on epistemic bubbles
2020-07-19 karen as kategory
2020-07-19 I have to see
2020-07-19 design ethics
2020-07-18 unserious journalism
2020-07-18 on the carnivalesque and its abuses
2020-07-17 on teachers unions
2020-07-16 endless loop of hypocrisy
2020-07-15 no more negation
2020-07-15 adapting kremlinology
2020-07-14 international students
2020-07-13 self absorption of the intellectual elite
2020-07-12 tree of liberty
2020-07-11 facebook ad
2020-07-09 what data cant predict
2020-07-09 on that Harper’s letter
2020-07-08 good and bad speech
2020-07-08 distributed criminality
2020-07-07 passive faculties
2020-07-07 incels and think tanks
2020-07-06 disregard for younger lives
2020-07-05 angriest dog in the world
2020-07-04 peace talks with police
2020-07-03 state data
2020-06-28 revenue driven health policy
2020-06-26 fairway closing
2020-06-23 no taz for you
2020-06-21 tuftsplaining
2020-06-20 seven levels of negation
2020-06-19 gem spa
2020-06-17 getty images
2020-06-15 donut strike
2020-06-07 no tv
2020-06-06 rhetoric and expertise
2020-06-01 artifacts and data
2020-05-12 on bidens and harriss prospects
2020-05-31 sample graffiti
2020-05-31 51st state
2020-05-30 trumpian necropolitics
2020-05-27 covid and rents
2020-05-27 covid and aids
2020-05-24 models of community
2020-05-16 RNC 50k and covid
2020-05-14 grades above all
2020-05-20 extrapolating covid numbers
2020-05-04 covid and the disunited states
2020-05-04 a libertarian is a socialist who hasnt been infected yet
2020-05-02 multigenerational households
2020-04-30 viral aesthetics
2020-04-29 crazy covid viz
2020-04-29 chamber of commerce and economic leftists
2020-04-27 cosplaying typhoid mary
2020-04-22 student–administrator ratio
2020-04-21 like a ghost in the sunlight
2020-04-19 and our policy is
2020-04-16 on doing shots on tv
2020-04-15 covid predictions
2020-04-13 eugenics by another name
2020-04-12 on stigmatization
2020-04-11 humanizing healthcare
2020-04-10 salads
2020-04-10 on opening
2020-04-08 we can do better than herd immunity
2020-04-06 facebooks fake vpn
2020-04-04 on planting trees
2020-04-03 federal haircut typology
2020-04-02 zwardial
2020-04-01 zlast zupper
2020-04-01 covid and magic numbers
2020-03-30 the literal end of critical theory
2020-03-29 my dog the movie star
2020-03-26 nyt dataviz
2020-03-25 covid classics
2020-03-24 on ubi
2020-03-22 king emdash
2020-03-19 curve flattening
2020-03-18 the mobile center
2020-03-13 hobby lobby vintage not antique
2020-03-12 libs
2020-03-09 the price of purell
2020-03-09 edus and covid
2020-03-04 out damned virus
2020-03-04 jim tyre rip
2020-02-29 on the vu
2020-02-25 the weight of black history
2020-02-25 blessed are the drowsy
2020-02-22 cruel technologies
2020-02-20 globies
2020-02-19 saturn would float
2020-02-18 recent intellectual history in a meme
2020-02-17 scopic regimes
2020-02-09 flashback
2020-02-06 how to talk about pete buttigieg
2020-02-06 buttigiegs thesis
2020-02-04 parent typology
2020-02-02 artificial traffic jams
2020-01-27 on emptywheel
2020-01-27 centrist rally
2020-01-23 midsommar
2020-01-22 everything that trends must converge
2020-01-22 both sides now
2020-01-17 on stud finders and moral compases
2020-01-12 nyt discovers there isnt one history
2020-01-11 thieving scholars
2020-01-11 on student debt
2020-01-11 my new bud
2020-01-09 ios and intersectionality
2020-01-08 liberal hegemon
2020-01-06 inherent vice
2020-01-02 young geezers
2020-01-02 alt empire covers
2020-01-02 absence as authenticity
2020-08-28 reset blocked memories
2020-08-26 covid outbreaks in schools
2020-08-24 us journalism turkish purges
2020-08-24 sanctioned laptops
2020-08-23 on models
2020-08-21 jpeg of a pastel of a split screen video
2020-08-17 exemplary student journalism
2020-08-15 deterrence
2020-08-14 they always say that
2019-12-27 timeless nonsense about art school
2019-12-24 unclear on the concept of history
2019-12-23 reviewing cats as bloodsport
2019-12-22 cultural syncretism
2019-12-21 ai gen wikihow illustrations
2019-12-19 magas here to stay
2019-12-18 extruded letterforms
2019-12-17 us politics through the lens of structuralism
2019-12-17 pen america
2019-12-16 pantone as provocation
2019-12-09 data cheerleaders
2019-12-08 og joke notebooks
2019-12-06 fb censorship screenshots
2019-12-01 student debt as indentured servitude
2019-12-01 agnes denes retrspective
2019-11-29 henry hudson ikr?!
2019-11-27 cultural values vs progressive economics
2019-11-27 26 year challenge
2019-11-26 mark fisher
2019-11-24 we care about your memories
2019-11-24 companies prep for deepfake future
2019-11-19 the cost of wellness
2019-11-18 stop and frisk numbers
2019-11-13 literally
2019-11-12 used letraset
2019-11-11 alienable rights
2019-11-10 just say how
2019-11-07 on asset taxes
2019-11-05 foreshortened photos and web design
2019-10-31 embarking and debarking
2019-10-28 our changing sense of time
2019-10-28 local apocalypse
2019-10-23 trampling studies
2019-10-19 intersectionality sorta
2019-10-06 paradoxical opinions
2019-10-06 facial recognition art projects
2019-10-02 the first draft of history needs some editing
2019-10-01 i hate you deeply
2019-09-29 effective disincentives
2019-09-24 cultural sovereignty and imperialism
2019-09-22 american chopper poli sci
2019-09-19 margaret mead on acid
2019-09-16 lessig on epstein mit and ito
2019-09-16 can we call it fascism yet?
2019-09-08 on clicktivism
2019-09-07 the t word
2019-08-29 google reader
2019-08-28 wired google history
2019-08-28 sba 2 mayor u r not us
2019-08-21 on internationally coordinated lying
2019-08-21 how to deal with epstein revelations
2019-08-19 nostalgia as entitlement
2019-08-19 impossible burger as time travel
2019-08-19 belt and suspenders
2019-08-07 the skys the limit
2019-08-05 deterring politicians
2019-08-05 age and the dems
2019-08-02 mr dilbert apologizes sort of
2019-07-26 accidental retro dataviz
2019-07-25 defining democracy downward
2019-07-23 policy interfaces
2019-07-22 sclerotic dems
2019-07-21 wut
2019-07-21 bon mot awards
2019-07-21 4.39 per person
2019-07-19 ur meme
2019-07-19 scaffolding
2019-07-19 on zuck as a person
2019-07-19 math equation predicts end of humanity
2019-07-18 newport ads
2019-07-18 how to talk about evangelicals
2019-07-17 stellar new journalism
2019-07-12 not everywhere is queens
2019-07-07 who or what is to blame
2019-07-05 on mocking trump
2019-07-02 rotten apples
2019-06-29 no nepotism
2019-06-28 size of the pentagon
2019-06-18 on makerism
2019-06-14 joy dvision is really joyful
2019-06-13 the turn toward inner space
2019-06-09 extreme vetting
2019-05-31 blurry newspaper
2019-05-18 weird combinations of books
2019-05-09 blacklisting brazil
2019-05-06 on scarfolk
2019-05-02 morris worm
2019-04-27 on hariris sapiens
2019-04-27 dark vs dank
2019-04-06 sense8 is very american
2019-04-05 on hypocrisy
2019-04-04 northrop grumman and pkd
2019-03-30 voice activated foucault
2019-03-27 wikileaks as a template
2019-03-27 what did we do for fun
2019-03-27 a certain british encyclopedia
2019-03-22 robocall legislation
2019-03-17 top notch faceswap
2019-03-10 today is the wrong day
2019-03-08 my hands are still noticeably damp
2019-03-07 the expanse
2019-03-07 local bar scene klubb
2019-03-06 israeli chopper
2019-03-03 the future of fecal implants
2019-02-27 lets get this party started
2019-02-26 real housewives of kleptocracy
2019-02-25 on corporate social responsibility
2019-02-23 on gift giving
2019-02-18 housing security
2019-02-08 chaos and corporate management
2019-02-07 hand to hand ad blocking
2019-02-03 now add something about legitimacy
2019-01-29 kaleidoscope of intersectionality
2019-01-29 i didnt do anything wrong
2019-01-17 jo andres rip
2019-01-03 we are everywhere
20181 08 19 spider web
2018-11-15 dinner in brussels
2018-11-10 metadata vs the constitution
2018-11-05 how to deal with disenfranchisement
2018-11-05 homage a broodthaers
2018-10-30 ballot inflation
2018-10-29 id rather be reading flannery oconnor
2018-10-08 11th hour
2018-10-05 delegitimizing kavanaugh
2018-10-03 ian bogost on trump
2018-10-03 dataviz win
2018-10-02 anti china policies and higher ed
2018-09-29 wtf
2018-09-29 georgetown prep
2018-09-26 what academics need to do
2018-09-26 midterm predictions
2018-09-25 kavanaugh the forty year old virgin
2018-09-23 if only
2018-09-21 yale law and kavanaugh
2018-09-21 kavanaughs expressions
2018-09-13 judd legum
2018-09-06 modified holzer 2
2018-09-06 modified holzer 1
2018-09-06 jackson lears on managing public opinion
2018-08-30 saint chuck colson
2018-08-26 what if
2018-08-23 yes or no
2018-08-22 dischargeable student debt
2018-08-18 an airport wall
2018-08-13 zuck and pubs
2018-08-13 men in feminism women in blockchain
2018-08-09 windows wear
2018-08-08 somewhere ive forgotten
2018-08-06 facepalm
2018-07-28 biting criticism of tufte
201807 26 performative memoirs
2018-07-18 russian escalation
2018-07-18 on kavanaugh and liberals
2018-07-16 origins of the slow mo replay
2018-07-14 on manhattanhenge
2018-07-13 will davies on hard and soft brexits
2018-07-13 the most meta thing ever
2018-07-10 there i fixed it
2018-07-09 streaming auteurs
2018-07-06 a brilliant journalistic ui
2018-07-05 tailgunner
2018-07-04 rolling back judicial corruption
2018-06-07 on wedding cakes and the law
2018-06-02 rich kids of
2018-05-16 on performativity
2018-05-07 lacan and polanski
2018-04-26 gordon pasks machine
2018-04-20 dnc lawsuit
2018-04-13 what could possibly go wrong
2018-04-09 metameme
2018-04-08 sprinklers for giuliani
2018-03-28 unenforcing the unconstitutional
2018-03-28 on context collapse and framing
2018-03-17 on david bowie is
2018-03-16 suspicion on too much science oriented civilization
2018-01-01 USMCA and IP
2017-12-29 on youtube search
2017-12-20 what the us left needs
2017-12-19 proposed PUSSYGRABBING bill
2017-12-16 muellers embarrassment of riches
2017-12-14 on gender and caregiving
2017-12-13 on anti southernism
2017-12-12 on the shape of things to come maybe
2017-12-12 a fathers regret
2017-12-08 on richard hofstadters paranoid style
2017-12-07 my new startups
2017-12-06 academic tensions
2017-12-04 alien life
2017-12-03 the new ubu
2017-12-03 on progress
2017-12-03 on noisy pickups
2017-12-03 chainmail runways
2017-12-02 on nostalgia for the american consensus
2017-12-02 academic koolaid
2017-11-30 browser extensions
2017-11-30 bestriding the world
2017-11-29 all that glitters
2017-11-28 on the history of time
2017-11-28 defining normalcy downward
2017-11-27 msm and nyc
2017-11-27 charles dickens last word
2017-11-26 pierrot le fou
2017-11-26 foreigners united
2017-11-24 found toynbee nyc
2017-11-24 foiled again
2017-11-22 on keeping little lists of subtle changes
2017-11-14 on nuclear command and control under trump
2017-11-08 on us masculinity and brands
2017-11-06 on james bridle
2017-11-06 market extremists
2017-11-04 multiverse fun
2017-11-03 the wire and the deuce
2017-11-03 really counterintuitive
2017-11-01 tbtf 2.0
2017-11-01 on headlines and urls
2017-10-30 how us juridprudence has changed
2017-10-28 on value btc and the blockchain
2017-10-09 html email
2017-10-05 michael gurstein rip
2017-10-03 london0 calling
2017-09-28 student debt and inappropriate conversations
2017-09-26 public officials and private emails
2017-09-23 historicizing threats to kids
2017-08-31 im a utilitarian
2017-08-30 making design theory
2017-08-27 american beautyberry
2017-08-25 the universal solvent for democracy
2017-08-21 a luna moth
2017-08-18 performing rats
2017-08-17 on monument toppling
2017-08-16 no privacy for authoritarians
2017-08-11 from the garden
2017-08-09 icy type
2017-08-09 fire and fury like the world has never seen
2017-08-08 by a man about men and for men
2017-07-29 i know a first draft of history when i see one
2017-07-26 data anthropology
2017-07-20 my fave graffito
2017-07-15 on a review of nancy mccleans democracy in chains
2017-07-07 on the internet of things
2017-07-07 on hobby lobby
2017-07-05 y u no keep calm
2017-07-02 mussel of the day
2017-06-27 paul zukofsky rip
2017-06-26 mussel of the day
2017-06-18 new directions in memery
2017-06-18 mussel of the day
2017-06-17 mussel of the day
2017-06-16 hudson yards proprty taxes
2017-06-15 mussel of the day
2017-06-10 brexit negotiations
2017-06-08 they should
2017-06-06 verizon pole repairs not
2017-05-20 eery and eerily
2017-05-18 when a scholarly project turns up in a gallery
2017-05-18 obsessively inward focus of the cultural left
2017-05-18 erdogans thugs in dc
2017-05-16 cybersecurity eo
2017-05-06 snapuccinos
2017-04-22 on dunkirk
2017-04-18 its not an ad not art
2017-04-13 nyt word salad on erdogan
2017-03-25 truly excellent visualization
2017-03-24 the opening of my favorite novel
2017-03-22 on robert silvers
2017-03-20 trisha brown roof dance
2017-03-18 black bart and nelson mandela
2017-03-17 someone has to do it
2017-03-17 on the origins of the phrase deep state
2017-03-16 thanks for the photoshop
2017-03-15 unvetted information technology
2017-03-14 fake shock
2017-03-10 on rick perlstein
2017-03-09 some doctors
2017-03-08 flynn and turkey
2017-03-06 george pitts rip
2017-02-28 armin medosch rip
2017-02-21 the eighteen brumaire
2017-02-09 pere ubu a l’aviation
2017-02-06 trump and nukes
2017-01-30 how bannon works
2017-01-17 on astronaut portraits
2017-01-17 nyt on nyt nyt on nyt nyt on nyt nyt on nyt
2017-01-10 on walls in us politics
2017-01-08 gingrich the monarchist
2017-01-04 on the forgotten history of economic schock therapy
2017-01-04 how normalization works
2017-01-04 architecture critics on trump tower
2017-01-02 who likes what i say
2017-01-01 pigeon droppings and semantics
2022-09-11 scalar model
2016-12-30 church committee on snowden
2016-12-27 how culture wars work
2016-12-16 deep quotes according to google
2016-12-12 on aerons
2016-12-12 Japanese instruction
2016-12-11 datawashing and the left
2016-12-09 whither twitter
2016-12-08 on founders and aliens
2016-12-08 counterfactual editorials
2016-12-07 keep your citizens close and your traitors closer
2016-12-07 fb as food court
2016-12-06 strategic offshoring of fake news
2016-12-05 on pizzagate and mcmartin
2016-12-05 dataviz as white flight
2016-12-04 international turbofascist networking
2016-12-03 nyt and sleepwalking into authoritarianism
2016-12-02 potus jcs and nukes
2016-12-02 increasingly progressive militarism
2016-11-30 icann soliciting comments on metaphorical diseases
2016-11-26 on politicizing federal agencies
2016-11-26 on fake news
2016-11-20 ron rivest on overturning elections
2016-11-20 americas love hate relationship with nyc
2016-11-18 on bruce schneier on congress
2016-11-17 the internet as a forgetting machine
2016-11-17 international students and trump
2016-11-16 time to reread arendt
2016-11-15 ding dong the tpp is dead
2016-11-13 leaky devices
2016-11-09 angel of history zapper
2016-11-07 nice shirt
2016-11-05 on alternative narratives
2016-11-01 x is like the new y
2016-11-01 on coarsening debasing and surveillance
2016-10-30 even pol pot
2016-10-27 escape keys
2016-10-24 on vera williams
2016-10-23 on analogies between domestic abuse and politics
2016-10-20 rebecca solit on leaked data
2016-10-20 new yorker on hrc
2016-10-19 les sex pistols
2016-10-17 nyt and nyc real estate
2016-10-16 right wing noise sound effects
2016-10-16 chain of effects
2016-10-10 on gamification
2016-10-10 bannon in court
2016-10-04 the longue duree sure aint what it used to be
2016-09-27 my new apps
2016-09-27 late capitalism
2016-09-27 american abuse
2016-09-26 instrumental causality
2016-09-22 tiny presidents
2016-09-22 on corruption
2016-09-22 my new fighting technique is unstoppable
2016-09-22 leonard cohen was right
2016-09-22 fat freddys cat
2016-09-20 we can have nice things
2016-09-20 fa fa fa fa fascism
2016-09-19 how to announce an emergency
2016-09-16 youre either with us or were with you
2016-09-14 trolley problems
2016-09-13 we
2016-09-13 public officials private emails
2016-09-06 text rendering
2016-08-30 trolloptical illusion
2016-08-30 on no tv
2016-08-27 never leave a fallen comrade
2016-08-26 warren hinckle rip
2016-08-26 pharma executive compensation
2016-08-25 too many phds
2016-08-25 the worlds greatest footnote
2016-08-25 how do you spell w
2016-08-23 on erdogans pseudo coup
2016-08-23 calatravas oculus
2016-08-22 my syllabus
2016-08-02 premature antifascism
2016-07-25 assange courting destruction
2016-07-24 bloomberg and doctoroff
2016-07-24 attempt to attempt
2016-07-23 here comes everybody quoting somebody
2016-07-22 rnc salo
2016-07-22 media archeology
2016-07-22 how trump works
2016-07-22 democrats and centrists
2016-07-20 erdogans purges
2016-07-18 a coup disrupted their holidays
2016-07-17 turkish faces
2016-07-17 there is no rain that can set us free
2016-07-17 the improbable coup
2016-07-11 three point seatbelts
2016-07-11 on barney rosset
2016-07-11 missing
2016-07-08 edurant
2016-07-01 tea party
2016-06-30 on TPP
2016-06-27 mussel tracks
2016-06-14 columbia pride
2016-06-13 bumpers!
2016-06-12 maybe maybe not
2016-06-11 xyzzy
2016-06-11 wef secretary
2016-06-11 reflection
2016-06-10 photoshop
2016-06-07 great moments in rentier history
2016-06-06 postmodern cereals
2016-05-25 lines
2016-05-21 hypercorrecting history
2016-05-19 on nuclear exchanges
2016-05-19 academic executive compensation
2016-05-18 critical mapping
2016-05-17 the breadth of human knowledge
2016-05-17 stolen pieces of a petrified forest
2016-05-17 college shedding programs
2016-05-11 WiReD cover
2016-05-10 hyperdemocracy
2016-05-09 vaping aesthetics
2016-05-09 on “mapping”
2016-05-09 massive food recall
201605 08 on the two party system
2016-05-08 gever tully warnings
2016-05-08 corporate sponsored modernism
2016-05-07 retconned
2016-05-02 local nyc coverage
2016-04-30 turning videogames to can food
2016-04-29 pop techno schmysticism
2016-04-29 on student debt
2016-04-26 theweleit and trump
2016-04-26 how to kafka better
2016-04-23 brecht quote
2016-04-22 on sahds
2016-04-20 view from my office
20116 04 18 nixonian piety clintonian indignation
2016-04-12 save the clitorises
2016-04-12 circumcision creates killers
2016-04-10 on the need for apocalypse
2016-04-10 nyt photo of ackman
2016-03-31 more than four years more
2013-04-03 late capitalism
2013-03-29 strict constructionism
2013-03-12 on functional or informational purpose
2013-03-03 ascii joy division
2013-02-03 ed koch and aids
2013-01-24 syllabus boilerplate
2013-01-22 weev before and after
2012-12-27 printing and fabbing
2012-11-04 media leadership
2012-10-31 Hurricane Sandy and art criticism
2012-03-19 zeppelin over london
2012-03-10 potlatch comparison
2011-12-29 stylometry
2011-12-29 fauxccupy
2011-12-29 a sane calendar
2011-11-12 erase the police
2011-09-08 new communications
2011-08-06 scabby vs the arts
20112 03 04 busload of lamers
2010-11-27 Oregon
2010-10-23 Assange on reading
2010-10-15 just dont redo it
2010-08-13 Americathon VHS
2010-08-08 hey beyonce
2010-05-14 amazing name
2010-05-09 21st c fishing license
2010-04-28 what is tarkovsky like
2010-04-04 resurrection mask
2010-04-02 shannonian hermeneutics
2010-03-30 thanks for clearing that up
2010-03-24 emus all the way down
2010-03-16 eno vacuuming
2010-03-03 revs
2010-02-11 mbox zero
2010-01-22 commodity
2009-11-22 no
2009-10-24 what does it do
2009-10-10 computer center
2009-10-07 use no hooks
social media
image stream 3
img stream 1
image stream 2
2011 > Cablegate — The Complete Wikipedia Datadump, Vol. 1
1997 > New Monkey City
1993–94 > Cop Sculpture
1992 > Roger Ailes — A Retrospective in Context
1991–92 > “ ”
1991 > “Gloss”
1988 > Survival Research Laboratories
nettime alumni and alumnae
nettime nyms
2027(?) > "The List as Open Collectivity — nettime at 25 Years and Counting"
2018 > Review of Shadow Libraries — Access to Knowledge in Global Higher Education (MIT Press)
2015 > Open Education — A Study in Disruption
2012 > "Nettime – Fortsetzung folgt..."
2011 > "WikiLeaks Has Radically Altered the Military Diplomatic Information Complex — 10 Reasons For and Against"
2010 > "Safe•Connect — A Report"
2008 > Software Studies — "Information"
2008 > Design Dictionary — "Visual Communication"
2008 > Design Dictionary — "Virtuality"
2007 > "What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate — Architecture and Situated Technologies"
2004 > "Thoughts on the Telecenter as a Model for ICT Deployment in the Rural 'South'"
2001 > Control Shift Commons — An Interview with James Boyle
2000 > "Ushering in Banality"
2000 > "Party Like It's 1999 — the Next 5 Minutes 3"
2000 > "ICANN — Defending Our Precious Bodily Fluids"
2000 > "Exporting the Apocalypse"
1999 - Mute — "Not Pale Fire" a review of Michael Light's book Full Moon
1999 > "Lex Americana"
1999 > “Le Bogue, petite peur de l’an 2000”
1998–1999 > “DNS — A Short History and a Short Future”
1992 > “Television”
1991 - “Ludus Magistri — For Players of All Ages”
social media
2016-10-04 the longue duree sure aint what it used to be
2016-10-04 the longue duree sure aint what it used to be
Graph View
social media