WAIT WAIT WAIT, cops protesting a DONUT SHOP because it stopped giving them discounts? You couldn’t make this sh*t up. Well, except the protesters are vets not cops, and the donut shop said on social media, “Until local police takes action to solve problems with racism and injustice, Allie’s Donuts will choose to stand with the people of our great state. We will no longer offer military or police discounts. Thank you for your service, and shame on you for your silence.” And that’s what set off the protestors, who even — I hope you’re sitting down — brought their own doughnuts. One said, “The tone of his message — it was clear we were targeted by him and we want to send him a message that we’ll never forget it. It was disrespect for sure.” You hear that? Never. They will NEVER forget. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night nor passing years and decades will stay these warriors from their eternal, silent vigil. Your grandchildren will see a solemn figure, bowed over a flame in front of Allie’s Donuts, and know that the the price of freedom is eternal 10% off.