This just in. The ways younger people have been depicted in the C-19 crisis is bog-standard madonna/whore stuff: They don’t get sick! THEY’LL KILL US ALL! We love them more than life itself! GET ME THE F*CK OUT OF THIS HOUSE! Their emotional and intellectual engagement is worth any risk! WTF ARE YOU LOOKING AT ON THAT GODDAMN SCREEN ALL DAY?! They’ll sit obediently in the same chair surrounded by plexi partitions for eight hours a day! PARTAY MONSTERS! It goes on and on. I could probably count on one hand the number of stories I’ve read or seen that actually, I don’t know, like actually asked them questions and focused on how they see things? Crazy talk, I know… But here we have the tonic: an editorial from a student newspaper that puts pretty much the entire US media establishment to shame with its clarity and standards.